So the Leo New Moon, of August 4th fires up your charisma, and emotionally intelligent intentions for your birthday month.
I mean with Venus in the last degree of Leo here, after a month of sorting out your personal radiance -you’re beautifully comfortable in your skin by now. Your natural talent, charm & gorgeousness is even more self assured than usual:
Also this Moon sextile Mars/Jupiter conjunct, in your social sector. So much positive confidence to charge around, showing off your brilliance in the world! Better if you get to hang out with crew who share your values, or even better challenge your point of view in stimulating ways; for an expansive new sense of purpose in the world, with your ideal tribe?
To the same extent this Moon activates Pluto, in your love/partner sector. Passionate connection is a thing! Whether sexy romance (so hot right now), or even challenging issues rising up can stimulate necessary transformation, for the emotional intelligence to evolve together in brand new ways.
And this Moon quintile caring Ceres in your practical 6th house. Your desire for personal excellence is on point.
So much easier to cultivate your most cherished dreams on the day job. For the satisfaction of being truly good at what you do, also being of practical service in the world/professionally feels so rewarding.
And the imperative of holistic wellbeing, to do with your health/lifestyle habits. I mean if you’re going to shine in the world, might as well be as physically functional as possible, right?
Then it’s all about your 2nd house of personal values & prosperity:
Mercury here, retrograde here, from August 5th has you suddenly questioning various priorities & financial strategies-maybe doing your head in? Just as Venus swans in, with such inspired ways to creatively manifest wealth, to fund your most comfortable lifestyle.
Venus direct & Mercury retro meet, exactly conjunct by August 8th.
Ok this could get tangled, as your sweet manifesting magic suddenly thwarted, by tedious details/delayed progress cramping your style. Of course, ideally you use this moment to take a breath and finesse the details advantageously; the better to cultivate your practical schemes & dreams. Much better than waste time feeling frustrated, right?
Especially then Mercury retro into Leo, from August 16th, then direct in your sign until September 9th. Do admit this is kind of character building. The patience to interrogate your own attitude, with fresh perspectives about whatever you believe in, and how to communicate more effectively in the world.
Especially Mars conjunct Jupiter, exact by August 16th, just as Mercury retro in your sign:
Absolutely perfect timing, to embrace your most expansive, visionary sense of purpose on the social scene and in the wider world. With a teensy bit of humility, to get that you are still sorting out your own point of view-and maybe learning just as much from other people, as they are learning from you? I mean do admit as a natural leader, you prefer to be at the forefront of the cultural zeitgeist, and pretty damn good at it. But also, once in a while you calm the fuq down, ego wise and get the value of just being part of team? As in your contribution to collective evolution is infinitely valuable-as one facet of the larger, sparkly diamond?
Or put another way, as you slow down for a minute, to tweak your personal plans? You trust the people around you to be radically inspiring and supportive, about whatever schemes & dreams you’re coming up with right now. And they’re more likely to show up, and have your back. Mutual appreciation is a beautiful thing!
Especially the Full Moon of August 20th, in your love/partner sector. Your annual mating Moon!
And this one has Mercury retrograde conjunct your Leo Sun. Quintile Pluto, in the first degree of your love sector:
It’s all about how your most meaningful relationships, are catalysts for mutual growth right now. Maybe certain people challenge you, to suck it up and get your act together? Maybe certain people show up, just when you’re struggling, with such incredible support? Maybe you have the same influence on them?
Also, this Moon & Venus activate Saturn & Neptune in your 8th house, of deep emotional, sexual & financial entanglements.
Sharing unconditional love & empathy matters, as well as holding one another to account -in terms of personal integrity & the quality of mutual commitment. This goes for all your personal connections, and perhaps the broader friendships/social alliances you’re dealing with?
And yes, definitely relevant for sexy romance. Passions are running high in your love life! It’s tetchy & volatile as fuq on one level-seductions at warp speed, just as much as weird misunderstandings blowing up-watch out for the fiery vibes! Also more likely to enjoy those special moments, of next level mutual understanding & delicious intimacy, to be truly in the moment with one another. It aint so much stable or predictable-but so good, if you have a special someone ready to grow/renew your chemistry together? Like a lucky little lover x
Image: Sienna Miller for Simon Cooper.