The June horoscopes are up, to see us into the second half of 2022...
This month we have Mars strong in his native sign Aries, conjunct lucky Jupiter early month as we prepare to charge forward with such positive determination!
Yes but also Mars conjunct the healer Chiron mid month, to take the time to explore our vulnerability. Courageous compassion for our own shadow/personal fears is actually deeply empowering right now, all the better to also be compassionate towards each other, of course.
And Venus is strong in her native sign Taurus; where our desire natures seek pleasure, creature comforts, delicious romance & security in our love lives. Yes but watch out-Venus conjunct radical Uranus mid month will reveal just how adaptable, wild, weird & wonderful our relationships have to get -in order to really bond authentically, as we also stay true to the integrity of our individual self-determination.
So gosh it's a powerful lust for life this month; the more we can be emotionally intelligent about where we focus our vitality in terms of maintaining healthy wellbeing and caring connections.
Much more detail for your sign, with the June scopes here.
Happy June folks, let's do it well x
Image: Malgosia Bela for Vogue Czechoslovakia.