July is here & the horoscopes are up, as we pass the mid year solstice and direct ourselves into the second half of yet another weird year:
The thing about July is the sheer number of the powerful, influential planets currently retrograde- Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune & Pluto are all stationary or moving backwards. It feels like in so many areas of our life we are basically driving with the brakes on, or just not moving at all, with an undercurrent of extreme frustration building up-geez are we tetchy much? I mean don't get me started on the state of the world...
So the real magic here is holding stasis, and patience in our delayed endeavours with grace & equanimity. The best analogy I think of is in our yoga practice, when we have to hold a balance pose, standing on one leg for an uncomfortable period of time in the middle of a strong vinyasa flow. This moment in our practice may only be a few minutes but it seems like an eternity -even though we're not moving it's where we are working our best physical strength, muscular co-ordination & mental discipline. And actually there is so much energy moving through our body & breath, and exquisitely subtle physical re-adjustments as we move the weight around in our standing foot or manage little wobbles without falling over. Or even if we do fall over that's ok, we gently resume the pose as best we can, without too much fuss or mental agitation. Also pretty soon we will come back into the rest of our vinyasa flow and dealing with the challenge of dynamic movement again.
Sorry for the extensive yoga reference, but we can see how it relates to the current astro right? It's a balancing act right now, to recognise that we are not actually stuck but taking the time to re-align ourselves with our clearest sense of purpose; the better to prepare for fresh momentum as the planets move forward, one by one between now and the end of the year. It's worth noting that we might be way more onto it, and doing better than we think just when we feel most stuck huh?
And the only planet not retrograde is Uranus, busy trying to radically restructure or material scenarios & free us from habitual patterns in Taurus. So we're feeling the sparky personal growth, but aargh Uranus square Saturn retro means we have to work the fuq out of it and it may take some time. Geez we are coming to terms with the meaning of perseverance & grace under pressure -well done us!
Meanwhile we have the New Moon in Cancer on the 10th, to love & support one another as we go. And the Aqua Full Moon of the 24th, to keep our visionary genius alive, no matter what.
Happy July folks, let's do this! And more detail for your sign with the monthly horoscopes here.