So the big news is Mars, who usually spends about 2 months at a time in each sign, slowing down to stay in one place for a rare, unusual stay from August this year till March 2023. Everyone is feeling this concentration of Mars power in some area of their chart -and for you it’s happening in your sign! Mars in Gemini for the next 7 months is such a powerhouse time, to turn you on…
Mars is the sheer, raw, primal energy that drives us forward in life. It can be channeled in many ways:
Ego. Feeling good about who you are with positive, healthy self-assurance. Or selfish, obsession with your own superiority. There’s a big difference, obviously.
Health. This is where you come to terms with your physical vitality, the fierce discipline to work out like a feind (as much as possible), and the dynamic wellbeing that comes with it.
Sex. Let's face it, Mars is horny as hell-and probably so are you this year. Your libido is strong & your seductive wiles are smoking hot. So if you are hoping to get some crush into bed, or renew the passion with your lover-your desire nature is on fire!
Self expression. As someone who tends to be kind of complex & enigmatic, do admit you can do people’s heads in, lol. I mean we love your delightful, endlessly fascinating allure, of course. But right now your core talent & opinions are so juicy & on point; you have important stuff to say, with exuberant confidence to keep the communication clear.
Anger. Healthy, no-nonsense, asserting yourself and handling conflict with clear boundaries-yes you are a successful warrior when required. I wouldn’t be trying to fuq with a righteous, empowered Gemini right now! But if you are feeling aggro just for the thrill of drama, or some fuqwit is trying to mess with you and tempted to react/lower yourself to their level? Watch out -any toxic power trips could flare up at warp speed! Keep it clean and maintain an internal locus of power, please.
Okay then.
Meanwhile Venus into your home sector from the 6th brings sweet, domestic dynamics with your family & loved ones. No need for itchy tempers here, you’re all getting along beautifully. Or even there are tricky issues you don’t feed the drama, much better to find harmonious, fair outcomes with those clear boundaries you’ve got going on, right?
Then the Full Moon of the 10th in your career sector squares Mars in your sign. Your superpower here is full tilt, authentic confidence when it comes to owning your vocational potential, and maximising the opportunities around you. What you really want is emotionally/creatively fulfilling job satisfaction; and with bitch Lilith in your income sector you figure out how to monetise what you do, just by being so damn good at it.
So you don’t mind your ruler Mercury, retrograde from the 11th in your talent/self expression sector, trine Mars. Which is permission to play around with the creative process. So no need to panic if you have to finesse plans that are temporarily sketchy-it’s a great chance to come up with fabulous, innovative new ways to do your thing. Excellent.
Then Venus square Mars exact Sept 16th, to reveal any sexy romantic tension going on -mid month is totally mating season. And with Venus in your home sector, it’s domestic/shacked up love that benefits most. Maybe renewing the passion with your partner, or if single/on the prowl you stage your next hot date on home turf?
I mean the New Moon of the 26th, in your play/romance sector is perfect for sweet dating action. Also opposite positive Jupiter in your social sector, a great time to get your famous social butterfly thing on, for a good time with friends & tribe.
Image: Kate Moss for Mario Testino