Saturn direct, from Nov 4th is the news of the month to get our act together-and it’s in your 10th house/brilliant career sector! Fearless ambition becomes your favourite buzz, for November:
So the context is Saturn in your sign back in March, felt like the culmination of a 14 year cycle of steady discipline-towards whatever professional goals have been calling your name. A sense of well earned achievement, to be proud of!
Then just as you were feeling nicely established, ready to leverage the momentum to next level success? Saturn retrograde, from mid June put the brakes on, dammit!
Ideally this was a chance to chill out, and appreciate how much you’ve achieved, with all your hard work in recent years? Take some time to smell the roses and enjoy all the recognition coming your way-rather than just keep flogging yourself out of habit? Trust that success is your natural thing right now, sans forcing it too much.
Or if you found yourself questioning the veracity, of whatever you’ve been working towards? With the satisfaction of a job well done, even as you realise you are ready for a whole new phase? Giving yourself time to change gears, with a new perspective is gold. Maybe grappling with any status anxiety, about letting old expectations go…and trust that a much easier flow could feel so good. Thus did you handle the frustration of Saturn retro, scheming and dreaming the next move rather than instant gratification.
Especially with magical Neptune lurking in your 10th, with a siren song to your ideal spiritual & creative calling in the world. This kind of inspiration takes time to align with, right?
Which makes Saturn direct, from Nov 4th so sweet. Just as your ruler Mercury in your practical 6th house squares Neptune. You feel the energy pick up, to get on with a clear, replenished sense of meaningful purpose in the world.
Just in time for the awesome New Moon of Nov 13th, in your practical 6th house. Conjunct Mars & Ceres, trine Neptune:
Mars brings the fierce, renewed work ethic we’ve been talking about. You’re wonderfully ambitious, and totally confident on the day job, about showing off your brilliance. Also Mars motivates your fitness and health regime, for full on physical vitality. I mean it always feels good to be strong , and the better to get up of the morning and seize the day, working towards professional success.
Ceres keeps it healthy. You get that wellbeing includes gentle self care when you need it, and a sustainable work/life balance. As much as you enjoy accomplishment at work here, also a lovely, fulfilling lifestyle you actually enjoy. I mean Mars loves a good time, so take time to have some fun. And with Ceres, the pleasures in life are particularly sweet when taken in healthy moderation-know what I mean?
Neptune in your 10th, for the intelligence to direct your energy toward professional and lifestyle goals that really, truly matter to you.
So you’re not working your ass off/banging away at ‘getting ahead’ just for the sake of looking busy, You are highly attuned to, dare I say a higher sense of vocational, spiritual and personal calling. Nice one.
Meanwhile speaking of personal life, Mercury in your love sector square Lilith in your home sector for this New Moon. To finesse family/domestic dynamics with your famous, clever communication skills.
Cue the Gemini Full Moon of Nov 27th. To align with your natural, spunky instincts, about being your true self in the world, no matter what anyone thinks about it. Also the powerful astro of Ceres/Mars/Sun/Mercury in your love sector. It feels good to be you, the more you cultivate sexy, nurturing, healthy relationships to turn you on, right?
Image: Riley Montana