It’s all about how thrilled you are, to have lucky Jupiter in your sign -from May 26th till June 2025. A whole year ahead to embrace your most positive, expansive attitude and feel fabulous about being you! So whatever else is happening right now -late May is all your brilliant confidence, to evolve towards your full, magnificent personal potential:
Ok so meanwhile, let’s begin with Mars into your 11th /social sector, just as Venus into your 12th/ soul sector from May 1st:
Mars joins Destiny Point, Chiron & your ruler Mercury in your 11th house. To energise your natural, sparkly social butterfly vibe, chatting up a storm on the scene and hustling your latest schemes & dreams, in full networking mode. You love this!
Also your ruler Venus joins Sun, and Jupiter/Uranus conjunct in your spooky 12th house….
Cue the New Moon of May 8th, in your 12th house:
Smack bang between a conjunction with Venus and Jupiter/Uranus. You understand that looking within, where you fill your cup spiritually is how the magic of creative process and self-awareness happens. This feels like such beautiful radiance, shining from deep within your soul. Like an incandescent moment of clarity, about whatever really matters to you, aligning with your sense of meaningful purpose in the world…
Especially sextile Saturn in your biz sector, for the discipline to focus upon genuinely fulfilling professional goals. You are so turned on by a meaningful work ethic here.
And on a personal level, this Moon in a grand trine with Lilith in your home sector & Ceres in your 8th house of intimate entanglements. Super clear about the loved ones you share a deep soulmate connection with, that you want to nurture-whether sexy passion or loyalty to tribe. And when it comes to family/domestic relationships, is all about accepting one another as you are, maybe with healthy boundaries involved?
Cue the Full Moon of May 23rd, in your love/partner sector:
I mean ok, with this Moon exactly sextile Pluto in your expansive 9th house, any restless desire to fuq personal obligations off could be peaking. Just want to charge off into the sunset, to do your own thing? Fair enough, as I said earlier your healthy individuality is a thing.
But also this Moon is fabulous, to get real honest with your loved ones and cultivate beautiful, authentic connection that turns you on. For the people who get you, you have unconditional love, and the more likely to have it reciprocated. The people who support your gorgeous evolution, that you can share mutually supportive relationship are totally coming out of the woodwork here. Nice one!
Because of course, Jupiter into Gemini from May 26th awakens all of this full scale…
A rush of expansive life force, truth telling and radical positivity to turn you on. I mean ok your restless soul could become somewhat impatient about forcing change, and quite indulgent about your extravagant pleasures, so you want to watch that. But if you keep your focus on meaningful, affirmative gaols, the next 12 months are full of golden opportunities to grow and thrive!