March 3rd has your ruler Mercury conjunct Saturn, finishing up 2.5 years in your 9th house of big, adventurous dreams and visionary ideas. A moment to reflect on how well you have handled Saturnian restrictions & reality checks lately.
As in every time you have tried to embrace some grand plan, to live more freely/escape the matrix of other people’s expectations etc; the progress has been so damn slow! Yes it might have been a frustrating phase. But do admit taking the time to figure out what you really want out of life, in the broadest possible sense, and finessing the most practical way to make it happen…has been a positive, character building process?
Cue Saturn into your 10th house of professional success, from March 7th till 2026. Saturn, as the most fiercely pragmatic, ambitious planet is all about professional satisfaction & worldly success…and loves being in your 10th house!
You suddenly feel so capable, of nailing your most solid vocational plans. Especially whatever long term goals you’ve been working toward for ages, taking your sweet time to get properly good at what you do, with an eye to long term outcomes. All that slow burn, persevering determination pays off- enjoying a well deserved sense of accomplishment, with Saturn now at the apex of your professional life.
The next few years is a chance to bask in the glow of respect & recognition; as whatever you do attracts public scrutiny & attention -the fame game has it’s spotlight on you!
Maybe to keep ploughing forward, doing what you do; because it’s finally paying off big time and building an increasingly solid biz reputation?
Maybe to feel satisfied with what you have achieved so far, and enjoy the fruits of your well-earned success. Even as you become aware that this particular path has gone as far as it can go…ready to ride your success into an easier flow, towards a whole new career paradigm?
The New Moon of March 22nd is helpful. In your 11th house of friendship/collective ideals -which you adore as such a social butterfly. With Jupiter/Chiron conjunct, to find a positive spin on the most healthy way to be your true self in the world.
Especially Venus/Destiny Point in your soul sector; working the background to keep you aligned with your spiritual values/creative inspiration as you go:
You get to get to reflect on your most meaningful goals in life; in the context of finding your niche in the social scene/broader cultural zeitgeist around you. The buzz is all about feeling connected with like minded folk, finding your tribe and getting amongst it. Your famous, sparkly charm & networking skills work a treat here -to have a good time with good friends just for fun, a sense of being connected to meaningful collective values and clever/pragmatic professional schmoozing…
Cue the other big astro right now, Pluto into your 9th house from March 23rd till June; then back in your 9th from Feb 2o24-for the next 20 years!
Remember how the 9th is about the brazen, visionary confidence to be adventurous and live large? To the extent Saturn has been cautionary in recent years, Pluto turning up is game changing. If you suddenly feel ready to embrace your big picture life plan; with all the transformative personal growth this entails? Yes it’s true. Late March begins to reveal the next, massively expansive chapter in your life.
Meanwhile Mars in Gemini, for the last several months has been great for ambitious mojo, to charge forward with all these grand life plans.
And love? Mars firing up your sexy charisma has made you such desirable, hot property! Venus sync Mars March 12th is a nice clue, about someone gorgeous ready to share the journey, with sweet romance x
Image: Riley Montana for MAC