So how have you been going, with lucky Jupiter in your for the last month? Ideally feeling more buoyant, positive and enthusiastic about the future? Especially as Jupiter has been trine Pluto your expansive 9th house, which is kind of Jupiter’s home turf.
You are more wiling than usual to believe in positive outcomes. And this optimism allows you to be open-minded about a whole new, big picture, liberating attitude:
I mean to do admit that even with your kaleidoscopic mind, with the ability to read every angle of any scenario, in the moment, you can still be a tad whimsical about your attention span, lol. Sometimes you get so fascinated by the details and information overload, can miss the big picture, know what I mean?
Which makes it so interesting, when your ruler Mercury enters your natural habitat, the 3rd house of clever ideas communication & mental stimulation, July 3rd then immediately opposite Pluto in your 9th.
Bam, a radical new perspective opens your mind! That is both more in depth, for the attention span to fully investigate certain ideals, schemes & dreams. And more broadly seeking the higher meaning of everything, that could be transformative intellectually & philosophically, and the moxy to hatch big, game changing plans.
Then Venus picks up on this, into your 3rd and opposite Pluto, July 12th. To bring a more creative aspect to your burgeoning intelligence, about how you wish to grow your full potential.
And lol, do admit you don’t mind a chat. Verbalising every single thought is like oxygen to you! And Mercury opposite Pluto is so profoundly mentally stimulating, such a Pandora’s box of wild new ideas for you to be a chatterbox about.
Then Venus opposite Pluto brings your natural, sparkly communication skills to the fore. As much as you still won’t shut up, at least consistently fascinating, engaging & charming to be around.
You could really make an impression here if academia, media, writing, sales or the gift of the gab generally, is your gig?
And yes, Venus opposite Pluto is smoking hot chemistry, when it comes to psycho-sexual-mental attraction. For sure your flirty wiles are hypnotically effective, watch for sudden seduction moments-if on the prowl? And it could be even more meaningful, in terms of the romance of falling in love with one another’s mind. Maybe intelligent conversations with your lover/partner, reveal more in-depth mutual understanding, to remain fascinated by one another? Maybe a seemingly random conversation with someone new, is so riveting you knock one another’s socks off, first mentally then romantic and sexually at warp speed?
Meanwhile the New Moon of July 6th, in your 2nd house of personal values and prosperity, is conjunct Venus:
All these promising conversations, showing off your intelligence & talent, could create promising opportunities to monetise, professionally. Especially if you have your own entrepreneurial biz going on, or looking to take on a bit more responsibility/authority in your job. Whatever gives you a greater sense of autonomy and financial independence, feels good.
Especially Saturn retrograde, in your 10th/brilliant career sector. Yes you may have to slow down and think more carefully, about vocational choices and yes progress may require more steady, persevering elbow grease. It doesn’t necessarily come fast or easy, but you relish the chance to work towards your own, rewarding sense of accomplishment.
Also your emotional intelligence here is lovely, with this Moon exactly opposite caring Ceres, in your 8th house of personal entanglements:
I mean as someone who can be a bit skittish, about any suffocating emotional expectations? You can be slightly avoidant about commitment, hmmm? But also you massively appreciate loved ones who get how much oxygen you need, to do your own thing. Permission to be true to yourself, which is so important to you for this Moon, and obviously you reciprocate right? The better to love one another, as unconditionally as possible.
Also Mars conjunct Uranus, in your spooky soul sector is exact by July 16th. You’ve got a lot going on internally. Ideally energised by inspiring light bulb moments, tuning into your spiritual & creative muse.
Or if you’re restless as fuq, with too much nervous energy frazzling your nervous system? Even more reason to work whatever spiritual practice, meditation, yoga, writing poetry etc fills your cup and aligned with your own, personal equanimity amongst the white noise of the world. Know what I mean?
Then the Full Moon of July 21st, in your 8th house conjunct Pluto in your 9th.
All about the intelligence we’ve been talking about; to find the optimum synergy between loving connection and personal freedom. Loving relationships thrive, to the extent you are clear about your own, individual dreams…that you get to share with the friends, family & lovers who get it.
Image: Kuniyoshi Kaneko