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So it’s nice to have your ruler Mercury, direct in your love & relationship sector right now-trine Chiron in your social sector as Jan begins. This brings your natural, chatty charm to get along with everyone, as best as possible in all areas of your life this month:  


With a focus on professional relationships, as Venus into your 10th house/brilliant career sector from Jan 3rd. This certainly bring your persuasive charisma, natural talent and good looks, to make a stunning impression on the job. You get to be radiant in your public life, just by being you and hustle your current ambitions, if getting ahead is your game right now.


Just in time for the Destiny Point into your 10th from Jan 13th, immediately conjunct Neptune:

Destiny Point/North Node is all about our most meaningful sense of purpose in life. Which has a special affinity with the idea of having a higher, deeply fulfilling vocational calling, aligned with collective evolution-beyond just working for material success or whatever.

Neptune, recently direct in your 10th is the highest frequency of whatever creative fulfillment, magically manifesting your goals and being of true service in the world, you’ve been working towards for the last several years. Or ok, any tendency to batshit crazy schemes/temptation to weirdly sabotage your goals you’ve been struggling with?

So Destiny Point is fabulous, to whip your Neptune into shape. To be newly excited about the kind of vocational progress, you have the  motivation & discipline to actually work at. Better to recognise and seize the promising opportunities to do so-way more likely to show up right now! Next level professional inspiration, for sure.


Which is spectacularly supported and realistic, with Venus conjunct Saturn in your 10th, exact by Jan 20th.  Venus brings the sparkly talent that makes you irresistible and Saturn brings the solid work ethic, to back it up:


I mean Saturn in your 10th, since April 2023 has totally been a reality check, about the Gemini career. Maybe reflecting on how far you’ve come in the last 14 years, working your ass off towards the solid reputation you now enjoy-kicking ass as a high functioning success machine. Maybe reflecting how fuqing hard yakka it’s been, or any pressures on the job/tedious delays currently doing your head in? Ideally not giving yourself a hard time, just because your multi-tasking genius doesn’t always fit into the annoying expectations of the prevailing status quo at work? It is ok to be a high functioning flake, you know. It’s your core competency!

Cue Venus coming along, to pick Saturn up with shiny radiance this month. You are reminded of whatever creative talent really turns you on about yourself at work, for fresh motivation to keep getting better at it. And the moxy to show the hell off about it-why not be proud of how damn hard you’ve worked, to shine your genius in the world?

Because more likely to attract all the right attention, so might as well embrace being at the top of your game, huh? Again, not so much just superficial success/attention seeking. More the genuine integrity that everyone recognises, and respects about what you do. Nice one.


Meanwhile Mars retro into your 2nd house, from Jan 6th.

This is relevant to the career focus we’ve been talking about, as the 2nd house is about how to monetise what you do, attracting good coin because you have a genuine appreciation of your own professional worth. Also the 2nd is where you get a handle on your unique, personal values to hold your own in the world. Yes personal prosperity is part of this-even more the self assurance to feel comfortable in your skin, just being your true self.

And Mars popping in and out of your 2nd house, for ages between last October and April, is slowly but surely getting a grip on your most bolshie confidence about this.

So Mars retrograde this month, is conjunct the Full Moon of Jan 14th in your 2nd house.

Great for brilliant instincts about manifesting magic, financial or otherwise that’s been turning you on for a while, but still needs a bit of work? The patience to slow down & finesse strategies here is gold, the better to see real progress when Mars direct from late Feb.


Also this Moon opposite the Sun-with your ruler Mercury in your 8th house of emotionally intimate & sexy relationship dynamics. A nice vibe to connect with loves ones. Yes you hold your own, for mutual respect-but not so much being self righteous about it. More so a little bit of vulnerability goes a long way, for the emotional intelligent conversations that foster mutual understanding.

Image: Stephanie Winger


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