December is here and the scopes are up, to guide us through a particularly wild & wonderful Sag season.
I mean Sag energy is usually pretty straightforward-chasing audacious dreams, restless desire for full spectrum personal freedom, ranting about idealistic philosophies and impatience to hit the road, so to speak and get the hell on with it! Yes, and all that is relevant this month, if we can keep it high frequency and wonderful...
But also it's a little messy & kind of weird, so we need to keep our wits about us:
We have Mercury retrograde in Jupiter ruled Sag, opposite Sag ruler Jupiter retrograde, in Mercury ruled Gemini, for the first half of Dec. Especially around the Sag New Moon of Dec 1st. We don't know whether to chase our dreams, or stealthily scheme every little detail or throw our hands in the air and just give up, cos too damn complicated!
We have Mars in Leo, trying to be magnificent then suddenly retrograde, to cramp our style from Dec 8th. We may need to wait until Mars direct, back in Leo from April, to pick up Mars momentum.
We have Neptune direct in Pisces Dec 9th, to switch our magical realism/magical manifesting on-even amongst the white noise of this crazy world.
We have Venus/Ceres joining Pluto fresh in Aquarius, Dec 12th, to realise just how sweet our radical personal & collective transformation could be -but we need to keep up the self care and actually, genuinely look after one another.
We have the Gemini Full Moon of Dec 15th, conjunct Sag ruler Jupiter retro, in Gemini. Just as Gemini ruler Mercury turns direct, in Jupiter ruled Sag from Dec 17th. Some scenarios can be clarified here & some situations remain in flux. Our superpower is to tell the difference-to decide where to focus our precious energy.
This month is going to be a trip! Lets dream wisely and choose right action in the world, to keep it as positive and exciting as we can, in true Sag style x And much more detail for your sign, with the Dec horoscopes here.
Image: unable to find original credit for this fabulous picture.