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December is here, and finally we can see the light at the end of the tunnel of the wild, surreal ride that was 2020 -yay we made it!

So how are we all going folks, at this stage of the journey? I guess some of us are traumatised & licking our wounds, some of us have found our power as we've been forced to face our shadows/personal limitations & come out determined to thrive anyway, some of us are thrilled to bits to embrace 2021 with fresh resolve, and some of us are cruising along kind of taking one day at a time, wary but ready for whatever is coming at us next...

And I guess we are all at various stages of the above, as we process this crazy year in our own personal way.

The key astro of December includes:

Mars in Aries charging forward to keep our spunky vitality strong, with a keen eye to new opportunities to become masters of our own destiny & thrive.

A Total Solar Eclipse mid month, in Sag to keep our expansive, adventurous, positive options open.

Jupiter & Saturn into Aquarius, to innovate the hell of our lives with intelligent, maverick flexibility, no matter how weird things get.

Full Moon in Cancer on the 30th, to bring our most loving, caring connections into 2021. It is all about looking after one another, after all.

So Namaste folks, well done us for getting through this together, with our most wonderful, fresh intentions inspiring us to fab new horizons x

Happy December, and lots more detail for your sign with the December horoscopes.


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