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Cancer Full Moon, exact 10.33am Dec 27th, AEDT. To the extent Full Moons are a rising up of whatever emo has been brewing all month, in Moon ruled Cancer we feel it all, with supreme emotional intelligence!

Especially bang on festive season. Enjoying the company of family & tribe can be so lovely -feasting, bonding and renewing ties with our loved ones in true Cancerian style. And of course some of us have tricky family issues to deal with, or absence of family feels most acute. This Moon is all about how to be as loving & understanding with one another as possible, and look after our own self care as we go.

Especially the Capricorn Sun opposite this Moon, sync Mercury retro conjunct Mars in Sag. The temptation is real, to be outspoken and volatile as fuq about asserting our own point of view. Which is great and all, for honest communication & self expression. Also, ideally the more we interrogate our beliefs, with Mercury retro perhaps we don't know everything? We have the curiosity to explore new perspectives, which could be beautifully inspiring -as we allow ourselves permission to accept that we are always evolving towards new versions of enlightenment. And have the same compassion for each other, as we all grapple with our own conscience and self understanding. The better to understand one another no matter how weird & wonderful any misunderstandings get, with Mercury retro awkward communication-know what I mean?

Also this Moon trine Saturn in Pisces, and nearly exactly sextile Jupiter retro in Taurus-preparing to turn direct from Dec 29th. The more we open our minds to expansive ideas, that turn us on to our innate, instinctual wisdom? The more we become wonders of manifesting magic...creating tangible ways to approach the New Year, ready to live with beautiful emotional integrity & authenticity.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and happy Cancer Full Moon folks. Lets do it with as much love & wisdom as possible xxx

Image: unable to find original credit, for this gorgeous picture.


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