So it’s nice to have healthy, caring Ceres in Capricorn, activated as July begins.
Trine Mars in your creative 5th house, opposite Venus in your love sector and sextile your ruler Saturn, in your 3rd house of ideas & communication.
You get to bring your pragmatic instincts into line, with a more gentle, nurturing attitude to keeping it real:
Venus for mutually supportive relationships, Mars for sexy romance, to flirt about it -also backing your sexy, self-expression with full integrity. Especially Saturn, to become as comfortable in your own belief systems as possible-the better to believe in whatever you are on about, for beautifully authentic communication, with the people who appreciate your point of view.
Especially Mercury into your 8th house, from July 3rd-for intelligent ways to handle the more emotionally charged dialogues, with lovers, family or financial entanglements you’re dealing with.
Cue the New Moon of July 6th, in your love/partner sector. Which is so fab, conjunct Venus & exactly opposite Ceres in your sign. And trine Saturn in your communication sector:
True romance blossoms with this Moon! Perfect to keep it sweet with your lover/partner, talking about the issues that matter to your evolving commitment. Or if single dating -some flirtation could feel so intellectually & emotionally promising?
And all of your personal relationships benefit, from the intelligent communication and compatibility going on here.
And maybe some fab creative/biz collaboration, you’re figuring out how to monetise, to mutual advantage?
I mean your natural genius, about personal prosperity is being fully activated by lucrative Pluto right now. And Mercury in your 8th house of financial entanglements, for this Moon could be so clever, to co-create good coin with all the right people.
Because I tell you what, Mars conjunct Uranus, exact by July 15th, in your playful, confident 5th house is such a buzz:
A rush of positive enthusiasm, for the discipline to work your as off about the creative process-for whatever arty/professional projects are on the drawing board right now. The more radical the better-to awaken your innovative genius.
The better to charge around, in full shameless self promotion mode-showing the hell off about the brilliant talent, you are working so hard to optimise. I mean you are ridiculously charismatic right now, don’t you know?
Also this all about having fun! Making time for good times with your loved ones, because the simple, life affirming pleasures you get to share, at every opportunity matter. Same goes embracing your own preferred lifestyle, no matter how radically free- you’ve been working so hard to support. Quality of life matters, and you so deserve it, right?
Especially Mars into your 6th house of healthy wellbeing & work ethic, from July 21st. You are so on fire, with physical vitality, positive daily habits and enthusiasm to chase your dreams, living like you mean it!
Also Mars trine Pluto, in your 2nd house of personal values & prosperity.
And with Pluto conjunct the Capricorn Full Moon of July 21st, this is a big deal!
I mean given this is the second Capricorn Full Moon in a row, since June? You are really getting the hang of drilling down on your full integrity, to walk your talk with right action in the world…
Including coming to terms with whatever intense, passionate feelings are coming up. I mean there’s nothing like a Plutonian Full Moon, to get radically, emotionally honest with yourself! You embrace the full spectrum of your real needs, desires, empowering authenticity & deep dark compulsions-in all your complex glory. Feels so good, to be realistically comfortable in your own skin, huh?
Also this Moon opposite Sun in your love sector, square healer Chiron in your home sector and quintile Mercury, with Venus in your 8th house of sexy/psycho emotional/financial entanglements.
Your key relationships so benefit, from the emotional integrity you bring to them right now. And way more likely to have equally intelligent lovers, family & biz partners turning up, to reciprocate.
Especially with your ruler Saturn, in your communication sector. Suddenly feels so right to be charming & loving, about being radically honest with one another. Deep & meaningful conversations, are so revealing and emotionally rewarding. And yes, seductive moments could be so beautifully romantic -maybe sweet pillow talk, to reveal true feelings?
Then Mercury joining Lilith, in your expansive 9th house, from July 26th. Permission to focus your mind on big picture schemes & dreams calling your name-such an intellectually stimulating buzz, to turn you on.
Image: Daniela Pastova.