The Capricorn Full Moon of July 3rd is a great way to begin the month; connected to your own, empowering gut instincts and emotional intelligence. Your goaty determination to align with your animal wisdom is quite a sexy look, don’t you know?
I mean let’s face it, Pluto in Capricorn for the last several years has had you drilling down on nitty-gritty authenticity, about being you. You’ve well and truly faced any personal demons/self doubt -to shine with hard won, honest self awareness. By now, you are quite familiar with the imperative of taking responsibility for your own decisions, to create whatever life you most desire.
So especially with Pluto back into your sign recently (after a brief sojourn in your 2nd house brewing financial schemes, to be pursued from next Feb), you are so ready to finesse your internal locus of power for the rest of the year. And this Full Moon, joining Pluto in your sign is a brilliant clue about where you’re at:
Sextile your ruler Saturn in your 3rd house of ideas & communication. The mental discipline, to focus on constructive, realistic thoughts and belief systems that help you navigate the real world, and manifest most effectively in real, tangible outcomes. This is totally your thing, of course.
Trine positive Jupiter in your 5th house of talent and play-this is the fun part. Your natural, pragmatic work ethic is a kind of freedom; to explore the creative process of whatever you are good at, grab exciting opportunities to show off your innovative genius, and thrive just by being authentic, walking your talk in the world. It feels good to be you right now!
And opposite Sun/Mercury in your love/partner sector-this Moon emphasises relationships in your life.
Mercury trine Saturn in your communication sector, to clarify honest, mature, emotionally intelligent dialogues with the people you care about. It’s all about talking it through-and more likely to attract special people who are prepared to express themselves. Listen up, huh?
Especially Lilith/Venus/Mars conjunct, in your 8th house of sexy passion and emotional intimacy. More likely to enjoy natural chemistry with your lover, to remember what brought you together in the first place. Or if single/on the dating scene; perfect synchronicity to meet someone promising. Especially with Mercury involved, it’s a fascinating meeting of minds. Maybe one minute a random conversation about shared interests-then bam, flirting your heads off and can’t decide whether to keep talking or rip each other’s clothes off? How delightful!
And crucially, Lilith brings the necessity of mutual respect, to appreciate each other’s quirky individuality and appreciate the things you don’t agree upon…which could be the exact frisson, that turns you both on so much?
And don’t forget, Venus lingering in your 8th house -for a rare, extended stay until October. The passion is real & sustainable, if you play your cards right…
Then the New Moon of July 18th in your love/partner sector, aspect Venus is helpful:
Opposite Pluto in your sign, to bring your most authentic passion to whoever is on your romantic radar-and they are more likely to reciprocate.
Sextile Uranus in your play sector, for wildly unexpected flirty moments to have fun with.
Trine Neptune in your communication sector-maybe a bit of mystery, even weird misunderstandings to find one another intriguing? Ooh la la.
Image: Marilyn Monroe