So how are we going with the Full Moon in Capricorn? Exact 11.07am, June 22nd AEST.
To the degree Full Moon are a rising up, of whatever emo has been brewing all month; in Capricorn we are drilling down on the discipline of self-improvement:
Of course this is excellent, in the sense having having a keen eye on our highest goals is totally motivating! For an onwards & upwards vibe....
Taking responsibility for our own personal growth, individuating towards the optimum expression of our true nature. The better to come to terms with our sense of purpose in the world. The more we have personally meaningful goals calling our name-yes, we get to climb the ladder of material/professional success. The point is we do it all with full integrity-walking or talk with right action, about whatever really matters to us right now.
But also we have to watch the Cap tendency, to be too strict & judgemental about it. Especially harsh self criticism, trying to be perfect. Or bitching about everyone else's failure to live up to our own, control freaky standards. Any brittle attitudes/specific expectations we are fixated upon today-maybe not so useful?
Because this Moon opposite Mercury & Venus, conjunct Sun in Cancer. Our emotional intelligence is empathy for ourselves and one another -we are all doing the best we can. Being as creative & resourceful as possible, about whatever circumstances we find ourselves in. Because as much as individual progress & success is a real thing -even better the mutual support, we share with our loving tribe.
Especially this Moon exactly aspecting Pluto in Aquarius. As much as our personal growth feels so deeply transformative, with gritty determination to survive & thrive no matter what? Maybe because we sense that in this crazy world, changing at warp speed around us-we're gonna need to be super adaptable. And it's ultimately a collective process; the more we can evolve together we understand our role supporting our friends, tribe, immediate community-and the cultural zeitgeist going on more broadly. We're all in this together, right?
And this Moon trine Mars in Taurus. Bringing it back to the basics of healthy, life affirming habits today. Whether we are working our ass off, towards material success-yes prosperity is so available right now. Or the discipline to go workout/be physically fit-yes so good, to feel physically powerful. And ok, permission to indulge whatever pleasures help us feel good to be alive...
Including romance. I mean Capricorn Moon can be pretty randy, with Mars in sexy Taurus. Also Mars sextile Venus/Mercury in Cancer can bring the emotional intelligence, to bond more deeply with any lovers we are busy seducing today?
Happy Capricorn Full Moon folks, lets keep it real and also emotionally nurturing, huh?
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