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The New Moon of Sept 3rd is in your 3rd house, of ideas & communication. A lovely way to begin the month, aligned with your natural emotional intelligence and clever instincts. So when it comes to working out what you believe in, your intellectual process is fully emotionally congruent, in true Cancer style. The better to be informed by the courage of your convictions, as your communication skills become sparkly, crystal clear.

Perfect to set the tone, for intelligent dialogues for the rest of the month:


Especially this Moon quintile the Destiny Point in your brilliant career sector. You are so on point, about finessing professional dialogues advantageously. Maybe timely, to verbally shmooze some fab opportunity coming up, successfully?


And especially trine Ceres in your 7th love/partner sector. Your beautiful, innate capacity to nurture your loved ones shines through. I mean Pluto retro, backing into your 7th for this Moon reveals any unresolved power trips, mutually empowering commitment & whatever relational issues have passions running high. For sure your love life is fired up, with sexy desires that require the courage of real vulnerability. Revealing how much any current love affair is ready, to keep it real & care for one another as you go?

And with Venus/Lilith exactly conjunct, in your natural habitat/home sector for this Moon. The tension between easy, loving connection with your tribe and bitching it up about any family drama-is real.


So your superpower is the courage to talk about it, with your natural empathy more likely to be reciprocated with equally intelligent loved ones. Or ok, even if some control freak doing your head in-you have the solid self care going on, to hold your own & deal with any provocation, right??

Because the really exciting news is Mars into Cancer, from Sept 6th. A sudden rush of physical vitality, personal confidence & courage to chase your dreams-to energise your lust for life. The more you embrace your own passions, with exuberant determination to be true to yourself-feels good to be you right now!

And being so comfortable in your skin and all, your sexy charisma is radiant in the world, for all to see. Whether showing off whatever talent you are passionate about or passionate seduction skills, to are totally desirable, hot property. Especially opposite Ceres in your love sector, your relationships benefit from your confidence to show up and genuinely care for one another, as you do so well.


And to the extent we’ve been talking about your communication skills-Mars totally fires you up to speak your truth.

Because with Jupiter in your soul sector, you’ve been so focused on the inner work-figuring out your own, meaningful sense of purpose. So when Mars has you charging around-mouthing off about whatever you believe in, it’s coming from a place of genuine inspiration.


Especially by the Full Moon of Sept 18th. Which is particularly inspiring being a Partial Eclipse, in your 9th house of visionary ideals and expansive adventure: Between Saturn & Neptune in your 9th, sync the Destiny Point in your brilliant career sector. For whatever discipline is required, to wrangle your wildest dreams and meaningful professional goals into tangible reality.

And opposite Sun & Mercury in your ideas/communication sector. For the intellectual discipline to interrogate your most cherished beliefs -as you are on a learning curve here, and could benefit from a fresh perspective about your point of view right? The better to communicate clearly about it. And with radical Uranus in your social sector, is exciting to keep up with the swiftly evolving dialogues going on around you. So good to feel part of a broader, stimulating learning curve with your crew.

Image: unable to find original credit, for this gorgeous picture.


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