It’s all about Mars in Cancer, right now. The most confident, energetic planet is igniting your affirmative lust for life-for an extended stay until April. You are on fire!
I mean Mars hanging out in Cancer for so long is forcing all of us to confront our feelings for real-and you might notice certain signs around you are better at this than others, lol. And of course, Mars says you are the chosen one. The sign most able to handle intense, passionate feelings being so emotionally intelligent and all. And of course the most emotionally sensitive, so fair enough if you have a few temper tantrums as you go, be kind to yourself about this huh?
The better to handle all the people going through their own temper tantrums -magnetically attracted to you right now. To the extent they feel you can empathise with them-maybe an opportunity to feel beautifully connected? Or maybe a chance to set some boundaries, if anyone’s nonsense is frankly distracting?
Because as I said, you are currently embracing your full potential to shine with radiant personal confidence. The moxy to prioritise your own needs, chase your own ambitions and be assertive about it. You have such a rush of physical vitality, to direct towards whatever truly turns you on right now. Especially with Venus in your confident 5th house. It’s fun to play with your creative process, maybe revealing whatever innate talent you are ready to unleash upon the world? And just have a good time with the simple, life affirming pleasures that make you feel good.
Including any sweet romance going on. I mean your sexy desirability is a thing right now. So more likely to attract love action, and your seduction game is strong, if seeking to lure someone special into your orbit? Especially Mars opposite caring Ceres, with sexy Pluto turning direct in your love/partner sector this month. Passions are running high! If working out the quality of commitment with your lover/partner-turns out you both really care about this connection, enough to work through any issues and renew the mutual devotion you share. Or if a hot new attraction incoming-could turn out to reveal the potential for promising, deeper feelings with time?
Cue the New Moon of Oct 3rd in your natural habitat, the 4th house of home & family. And this Moon is a Solar Eclipse, so the feelings rising up about family dynamics are real! With Mercury and Lilith involved, more likely to provoke any dramas-temptation to be bitchy & emotionally reactive with one another. Much better to focus on caring Ceres, in your relationship sector. For the emotionally intelligent communication skills you are famous for, to work stuff out -so much more likely to reveal the tribe you have around you, ready to share loving, mutual support with.
And this Moon reveals your natural instincts, about manifesting the domestic scenario/abode you desire. Making intelligent choices about where you want to live. And real estate/property negotiations may be going on, which you handle with elegant, smart diplomacy as much as possible, right?
Then Jupiter retrograde, in your 12th/soul sector from Oct 9th. It’s ok to be questioning what you even believe in right now, in terms of seeking a new sense of whatever inner, spiritual awareness is guiding your choices right now. Divine guidance reveals itself here, and plenty of time to align with your most inspired sense of purpose, between now and February.
So helpful for the Full Moon of Oct 17th, in your brilliant career sector. Conjunct the Destiny Point, for sensational new clarity about your vocational purpose in the world. Yes it’s one thing to be wildly ambitious-which is totally a thing for this Moon, as a spunky success machine. Even better, to feel aligned with genuinely meaningful professional dreams, as you go.
Image: unable to find original credit, for this gorgeous picture.