So the New Moon of Nov 1st begins the month in the most wonderful way-in your 5th house of talent, creative confidence and fun!
Playful vibes are on, whether working your genius for creative satisfaction-that could so be successful professionally or having a good time with friends-and maybe some flirty romance?
And Mercury also in the 5th for this Moon, exactly trine Mars in Cancer is pretty fabulous. Your intelligent self expression is so on point, because you have the genuine courage of your convictions to back yourself up.
And with Uranus in your social sector involved, more likely to get involved with stimulating crew on the scene, who appreciate what you’re on about. Of course there may be some weirdos to deal with-maybe annoying you but also maybe their provocative vibe challenges you to be even more sure of yourself, in a good way? I mean do admit you can be a bit of a weirdo yourself, so it can be cool to surround yourself with equally innovative, interesting crew-ideally who you are paying attention to here?
Then Mercury into your practical 6th house, from Nov 3rd trines Mars into your 2nd house of personal prosperity, from Nov 4th. Suddenly, the talent you’ve been cultivating for this Moon translates into clever professional strategies, that are supremely biz savvy & monetizable! Especially with Pluto on the cusp of your 8th house, of lucrative financial negotiations.
So lets talk about Pluto-quite the big deal this month:
Pluto in your 7th, love/partner sector for the last 15 years has been a learning curve! Revealing power trips with certain fuqwits, as much as devotional commitment with your special people. Of course some relationships have been a bit of both, with all the glorious drama and complexity of real, nitty gritty human connection.
By now, you have presumably told any properly toxic people to fuq right off? And maybe spooky, destinal meetings with potentially game changing lovers? Gosh anyone exiting or entering your relational realm, has been quite dramatic! And somehow, amidst all the flux have persevered with all the loved ones who matter -to keep it real and increasingly satisfying to be in one another’s lives? Well done.
So Venus joining Pluto into your 7th house, mid month is nice. A chance to harmonise your love vibes for the moment. Maybe quality time with your special someone, to remember your sweet devotion? Maybe a new attraction to be fluttery/excited about-could be promising? Especially Venus exactly quintile Mars, Nov 14th- maybe a magical moment of weirdly perfect chemistry, with a lover who might just be a home for your security loving heart?
Because then the big news is Pluto finally getting serious, in your 8th house from Nov 20th. Where you get serious about vulnerable personal entanglements, deep emotional intimacy and sexy passion. So if you’re hoping to have completed this learning curve, with all issues sorted in your love life? Sorry not so much-your romantic/love capers become even more complex & intense, moving forward:
Maybe some gnarly issues, still to thrash out? Maybe even the hardest hearts soften here, as true feelings are revealed? Maybe true commitment becomes even deeper, under scrutiny? And I tell you what, even if you still haven’t nailed true love by now-you are totally figuring out your own attitude about it. Still plenty of time to attract/fall in love with someone sympatico, with the genuine passion you are ready to share…love magic is fully at work for a long time now…
Of course we also need to talk about Mars energising Cancer, for an unusually long time right now-from Sept till April. So you are totally equipped with radiant charisma, to charge around with the necessary confidence to get your groove on in the world. And firing up your natural emotional intelligence and capacity for courageous passion, to do with the love & relational dynamics, you are navigating right now. You’re so onto it, baby!
Meanwhile Mars pops into your 2nd house of prosperity & personal security from Nov 5th, trine Mercury in your practical 6th house. To direct your confident instincts towards clever daily habits to get your act together, and professional plans to thrive financially. With Mars in your 2nd till April, to work your new superpower-manifesting magic.
And the Full Moon of Nov 16th, conjunct Aries in your social sector. Your shiny, authentic self expression attracts attention from all the right people, on the scene. To get you involved with whatever cool action is going on with good friends, and the cultural zeitgeist around you.
Image: Richard Avedon.