So lucky Jupiter is on home turf, in your restless, expansive, positive thinking 9th house right now. Which feels like an insistent call, to chase your wildest dreams, explore your most idealistic/visionary ideals and maybe exciting travel plans finally feeling possible. It’s quite a buzz, to be so life-affirming about everything! And the New Moon of March 3rd, bang on Jupiter is lovely inspo for the month, to explore your most unlimited personal growth potential…
Which of course might feel like you need more independent, personal space to do your own thing than usual -sans expectation from other people etc? Yes, but also we need to talk about the BIG relationship astro going on:
Because the mating season vibe from February continues, with Venus/Mars in exact, gloriously romantic embrace early March. Especially exact on Pluto for a primal, sexy energy to heat things up big time. Everyone is feeling it, and for you it’s in your love/partner sector early March then in your sex/intimacy sector from the 6th…
So you are the sign most likely to cultivate a successful, fulfilling, meaningful, functional and hot relationship, that actually works long term here. So yeah, love really does matter right now!
It’s all about the object of your desire more likely to pursue you. Maybe your partner pays you lots of attention, to lush up the chemistry and bond anew. Or your lover wants to take things to a deeper level, and you like it? Because transforming a genuine, emotionally integral connection with mutual, passionate devotion-even if this means dealing with gnarly issues as you go, is such a powerful vibe here, know what I mean?
Or a crush reveals their feelings, to get all excited about? Or your dating life suddenly attracts lots of gorgeous contenders chasing lovely you, or a flash attraction out of the blue-and fresh romance blossoms quickly into something more?
Ooh la la, romance is a siren song that has your number, for sure.
Also money magic, with Venus/Mars schmoozing, finessing & charming the hell out of your 8th house of financial/biz negotiations from March 6th. You are fully up for win/win, mutual financial support to make good coin & thrive with biz partners, family money dynamics and the marital budget. I mean we know you are one of the smartest financial planners of all; and this month reveals how to also hook up advantageous fiscal relationships as you go.
Then the Full Moon of the 18th across your ideas and vision sector, with Neptune to turn you on to wild & wonderful notions of what you are capable of. Especially the Destiny Point in your social sector, to network with the fab tribe who get what you’re on about; for brilliant opportunities to express your brilliance in the world.
Image: Kerstin Jacobson