Venus square Mars, Feb 5th has many signs focused on romance, but for you it’s permission to dream effectively.
As in Mars direct in your 12th house is the power of spiritual discipline & creative inspo that feels deeply meaningful. Your inner world is lit up so bright, with the courage & focus to magically manifest the reality you desire, just by harnessing clear intentions as consciously as possible.
Because Venus in your expansive 9th house is cooking up big, brazen plans to live large in a fulfilling way. So it’s a great time to back yourself with right action, aligned with your truth huh?
You’re a cosmic little shaman, dreaming up the next brilliant chapter of your life. And the more you are clear about this, with Saturn in your 9th house from March, you are ready to work at making your most exciting plans real.
Meanwhile the Full Moon of Feb 6th is helpful, to enlist your natural affinity for intelligent financial planning, in your 2nd house of personal wealth. I mean Bitch Lilith also in your 2nd house is not so much about material security, as the freedom to earn good coin being a high functioning flake.
Even if Saturn, in your 8th house of financial entanglements has certain control freaks cramping your style, with obligatory debt drama or power trips? No you don’t take the bait, obviously. Healthy boundaries to not give your energy away, the better to focus on practical biz skills is your superpower right now. Like a healthy plant pushing through the weeds, you choose personal growth, to thrive in your domain.
And don’t get me wrong, love & personal relationships are also a thing this month:
Saturn/Sun in your 8th house is also healthy boundaries in sexy/emotionally intimate entanglements.
Helpful, if you need to fuq off any toxic, control freak so-called lovers or going nowhere attraction?
And ideally to clarify the quality of a beautiful commitment, because you are both so devoted you are willing to work at it? If you are lucky enough to have someone special, you get to enjoy just how solid & realistic your connection is.
Because Mercury conjunct Pluto, Feb 11th in your love sector is quite exquisite really. The most sensitive dialogues with your partner have the courage to get to the point; with acute honesty that is beautifully vulnerable. I mean as opposed to just bitching about each others faults, which could get ugly here, so you want to watch that.
Preparing for Pluto in your 8th house March till June this year, a taste of Pluto in your 8th from Feb 2024 for the next 20 years! All about exploring the deeper aspects of your most interdependent relationships:
The most obvious example is sexual intimacy. The tricky power trips that happen, when we project our desirability upon our lover’s capacity to reciprocate? And the blissful emotional union/hot passion, when simpatico with our lover on mutually empowering terms?
Also the same themes, of honestly revealing, and dealing with core interpersonal dynamics plays out with family & biz connections. It’s bound to be transformative!
Especially caring Ceres in your home turf, the 4th house of home & family. Familial loyalty is a powerful thing, if your tribe can deal with one another’s issues in a compassionate way…your natural thing, of course.
Image: Kerstin Jacobsen c/o Artists & Co.