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Aries New Moon, exact 3.23am March 22nd, AEDT. Especially powerful on the first degree of Aries; the Cardinal Point/Equinox that signifies the astrological new year. It's like the font of pure, primal energy that brings renewal and fresh possibilities for the year ahead. Wow, presumably we are feeling fired up, with fabulous optimism?

I mean New Moons are always a fresh emotional perspective, and in Aries it tends to be impulsive, gut instincts turning us on. The buzz of being in the moment, tuned into our own life force and sheer determination to seize the day is a thing-especially on this powerful Cardinal Point. Yes, but also this one is more nuanced:

The real magic here is this Moon exactly on the midpoint, between Neptune in Pisces and Mercury in Aries.

Neptune is a mystical radar, to pick up on subtle, cosmic cues around us. We are aware of collective energy/cultural zeitgeist, as it influences our ideal niche in the world, and capacity to contribute to the spiritual awakening going on right now. As we are tuned into our own spiritual clarity, to align with our personal values and sense of higher purpose right now. The better to dream wisely, as we imagine the beautiful life we are ready to manifest. And viola, we know where to direct all this confident Aries energy.

Mercury in Aries is courage of our convictions, in terms of clarifying our priorities. The more we can be honest with ourselves about what really matters; the more we find clever, intentional strategies to make stuff happen. And express ourselves with crystal clear communication, with the right combination of Aries bravado and persuasive Neptune charm.

Because opposite nurturing Ceres, it's worth taking the time to figure out the people who get what we're on about, and align meaningful goals we can manifest together.

I mean our individual, independent imperatives are spectacularly incandescent here, in true Aries style, to align with our own truth. And even better when Neptune/Mercury bring spiritual, creative, collective & personal connection with the people around us. To illuminate the magic of unity and, dare I say, cosmic connection with divine source?

Happy New Moon folks, it's a special kind of awakening to our full potential x


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