So how about your ruler Mars, spending a rare, unusually long time in your 3rd house from August this year till next March? This is a ridiculously long time for your fiery, impatient-to-get-on-with-it patron planet to spend confined in just one sector of your chart. So whilst so much energy is concentraged there, let’s talk about your 3rd house:
It's the power of the mind, clear intentions & clear communication in the world. This sector drills down on your belief systems, capacity for critical thought and how you get turned on by thrashing it out with the people who may or may not agree with what you’re on about.
I mean do admit you can be quite opinionated, but to your credit you have the courage of your convictions behind you. When you mouth off in the world, you’re not just ruffling feathers for the sake of it; you mean what you say & fully prepared to walk your talk-the integrity is real!
And Mars ramps up your self assured (ok, maybe a tad self righteous), incandescent flair to speak your truth for the next several months. Especially Uranus on the Destiny Point in your values sector; you have been keyed into radically authentic ways to come to terms with what most matters to you. And the courage to make wise decisions, and effective communication accordingly. So your brazen, confident self expression is a beautiful thing, it suits you of course.
Or if you are being a provocative brat, just for the sake of conflict or certain idiots are pressing your buttons & you feel the need to react? Well obviously conflict is available, if you’re into it?? I mean stimulating, positively challenging repartee is one thing, but if you’re up for a fight be careful -it could be on!
Then the Full Moon of the 10th in your soul sector, conjunct Neptune:
I mean on the one hand, you can get a bit dreamy/spooky here, which is fine if not so much delusional/ lost in fantasy world-more inspired to tune into your inner, mystical & creative bliss, obviously.
Because this Moon activates Venus joining the Sun in your work/health sector, so practical magic is afoot; the more you focus your creative intentions, talent and the discipline of healthy habits on living well each day. You can be beautifully productive here, if you keep it real.
Then Mercury retrograde in your love sector from the 11th, brings your attention to finessing the romantic dialogue with your partner, even if it means working through potential misunderstandings. Or clever, flirty wiles to figure out the mixed messages of some promising romance?
Because Venus square Mars in your communication sector on the 16th, with Mercury opposite confident Jupiter in your sign is a fab opportunity for sexy chemistry. If you can keep the dialogue fascinating, alluring & sweet, as opposed to weird mental games, right?
The better to enjoy the New Moon of the 26th in your love sector. It’s a fresh relational dynamic, with your special someone or crush presenting much more coherent, promising vibes. And exactly opposite positive Jupiter in your sign, so you are totally up for that ardent, romantic confidence you do well. If you want someone you let them know, if they want you back you pursue the affair with your best, hot blooded desire.
As a sign who has no patience with tedious ambivalence -you adore this chance to love like you mean it, with a lover who reciprocates!
Image: Zhang Jingna