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Ok so the big news, brewing this month is Neptune preparing to move into Aries from March 31st. It’s going to be quite a trip!


For context, Neptune has been right at home in your spooky 12th house, for the last 13 years. A phase of spirituality and magical, creative inspiration to shine your radiant light from within! I mean as a natural extrovert, has been a slight challenge but also lovely, to withdraw your attention from the white noise of the world-enough to look within and become your own guru, as you connect with whatever divine guidance has revealed itself? And with Saturn involved since April 2023-coming to terms with the discipline of self awareness, genuine spiritual practice & creative focus. To remain honest with yourself and your angels, about whatever karmic imperatives & meaningful personal growth is driving you forward by now?


The better to be ready for Neptune into your sign from March 31st, then after a brief trip back into your 11th house from October-then into Aries from Jan 2026, for the next 13 years:

A chance to bring all the mystical aspects of your nature you’ve discovered lately, into the light of day-as you walk your spiritual truth & creative magic in the world. Neptune is ready to enchant your sign!

Ideally, to align with universal flow and a profound sense of purpose in your outward expression, of turning up in the world. And ok, also highly sensitive to environmental influences and nebulous moods, you are learning to be more conscious about. Also any increased appetite for various intoxicants & delusional fantasies-you want to watch like a hawk, lol. Your new phase, as the Aries mystic requires tremendous discernment, about keeping it all conscious & high frequency, right?


And suddenly you are charismatic as fuq. The more you outwardly express all the cosmic wisdom, you’ve been cultivating for ages? Even those who begin to side-eye you, as an alarming weirdo because they don’t yet know what the hell you’re on about, are still fascinated by your mysterious allure. And those already on your wavelength, will instantly get where you’re coming from and adore you for it. And your allure becomes quite glamorous-with renewed radiance, irresistible beauty, maybe a new, stylish look going on? And your creative brilliance much more persuasive, for folks to appreciate the talent you are channelling. Again, this works best when you are conscious about self care and inspiring pursuits, to optimise your gorgeousness. And a better look than any low-vibe, louche habits & hustling dodgy schemes-obviously.


Meanwhile, let’s start from the beginning of March:


Venus in Aries as the month begins has you riding high, on all the good looks & talent that turn you on. Then Venus turns retro, dammit, just as Mercury into Aries from March 4th. Then Mercury turns retrograde from March 15th, joining Venus as conjunct, they slither backwards towards your 12th house, for the rest of the month.

So quite discombobulating, just as your natural charm, desirability & clever creative plans are activated-to feel like constantly changing gears, like driving in & out of reverse. I mean this is a fab opportunity to be exquisitely patient, finessing your self expression more so than immediate progress. But still, patience is not exactly your strong suit so gah, frustrating much??

I’m just saying that thank goodness you also have the healer Chiron, parked in Aries right now. As much this might trigger by any weird self doubt, feeling somehow impotent just because you can’t force your will upon the world, just yet? The gift is a powerful equanimity, totally accepting yourself in all your flawed, human brilliance-that you actually don’t need to prove or rush outcomes about. Yes, what I was saying earlier about the Aries lack of patience? Wouldn’t it be cool if March reveals your ultimate Zen Mastery-of living and loving life & yourself in the moment-smelling the roses regardless of future outcomes?


I feel like any moments of bliss & releasing expectations in this regard, are perfect to prepare for Neptune in your sign-with a more spiritualised approach and aligning with flow. Know what I mean?

Especially the Aries New Moon, Solar Eclipse of March 29th. For a fresh perspective as Venus & Neptune exiting Aries back into your 12th, literally cross paths with Neptune as he leaves your 12th, into Aries March 31st.

Nothing is going to so-called plan, but destiny and divine alignment totally have your number!


Meanwhile the Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse of March 14th, in your practical 6th house is great. To ground all this inspo in proper, healthy daily habits and work ethic. Embodied wisdom, about self care is so beautifully grounding, mid month.

Image: unable to find original credit, for this gorgeous picture.


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