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So your ruler, Mars in your sign for most of 2020 must have been interesting – I mean just as you were most fired up with fierce, empowered determination to shine in the world, the whole world went nuts around you, aargh! But do admit you kind of relished the opportunity to forge your own path through the madness; with that spunky self-reliance you do so well when the going get tough. So you’re actually feeling pretty good with what you’ve recently discovered about your resilience, positive affirmations & the clever strategic nous to know what to do about it under fluxy circumstances.

Which is handy, because Mars into your earning sector this month is in incandescent conjunction with sparky Uranus, exact around the 21st. I mean it’s not exactly stable, & likely to shake up your income stream with weird, unexpected upheaval. But this could be perfect, for maximum alacrity to negotiate the crazy economy out there & stay ahead of the game huh? Because for the next few years Uranus wants to bring such brilliant, game-changing, liberating opportunities that turn you on -the more outside your comfort zone the better. And to this end Mars brings the exuberant, entrepreneurial confidence to make it happen this month.

Especially with the New Moon of the 13th in your biz/vocation sector. I mean it’s bang on lucrative Pluto, to believe you can transform your professional scenario for more meaningful vocational growth & make good coin doing it. Also because Venus in your biz sector, trine Mars reveals your most gorgeous talent &professional charisma, and how much fun you can have doing stuff you love for a living. Wow so the Aries career is set for a fab, auspicious start for 2021, go you…

Also because the Full Moon of the 29th in your talent sector is such fun! It’s all about finessing the creative process, to be better than ever at what you do & the shameless self-promotion to show it off as much as possible; I mean in such spectacular aspect to lucky Jupiter &ambitious Saturn in your biz sector and Mars money magic amps your brilliant career prospects massively. And even more important, permission to play -just because it’s so life affirming to enjoy arty stuff for the sake of creative bliss, time off to indulge your dolce vita pleasures & quality time with loved ones to fill your cup.

And yes this includes romance. In the sense that good times with your lover, to enjoy the simple, easy moments of enjoying one another’s company is better than heavy emo or stressing over commitment issues, know what I mean? Because meanwhile, the Venus/Mars love astro of Jan 10th has nurturing Ceres in your soul sector. So it’s enough to cultivate the sweet, mutual chemistry of soulmate attraction just because it feels so right; sans trying to pin down outcomes etc for the moment?

New Year Resolution: My willingness to be vulnerable & wounded is how I heal; my true power is being willing to dive into the flames of personal transformation & rise up as the phoenix, shining with incandescent brilliance in the world.

Image: Sessilee Lopez


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