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So lets talk about the Aries New Moon of April 1st, to set the tone for your month ahead:

It’s bang on the wounded healer Chiron, hanging around your sign from May 2018 till 2027- lots of time to work on compassionate self care, to grow more powerful and resilient by coming to terms with your own vulnerability, courageously. And of course during this 9 year cycle, there will be lots of moments to focus on where you are at in this process of self-aware wellbeing -and this Moon is one of them.

Also conjunct clever Mercury in your sign, and syncing caring Ceres in clever Gemini, as well as Uranus rut-busting comfy old habits in Taurus.

So it’s all about an intelligent perspective on wherever you’ve been most emotionally raw lately, with a nuanced sense of how to do unconditional self-acceptance; to honour your wellbeing as well as that brilliant capacity you have to smash through any fears and rise up to radically alter your material/emo security issues, according to circumstance.

So the balance between the gentle self care you don’t always give yourself, and the warrior spirit you do so well, to soldier on no matter what is gold right now -know what I mean?

Because the rare, divine Jupiter/Neptune conjunction this month is in your magical, mystical soul sector. Everyone is feeling more cosmically attuned to a higher frequency of unconditional love for one another & meaningful life purpose in this crazy world-thank goodness. And for you, psychic antennae to feel the vibes of whatever is going on around you, and giving yourself time to tune into your inner, creative & spiritual guidance is so exquisitely on point right now.

Meanwhile the Venus/Mars relationship magic, of the last 2 months is finishing conjunct Saturn, in your social sector early April. You are acutely aware of which lovely friends & tribe have your back, and how much you reciprocate the mutual support. And the social contract with your community, to behave with integrity for the community around you.

But also aware of certain control freaky fuqwits, or suffocating social expectations that cramp your style/affront your dignity as the independent creature you are -with very healthy boundaries in place to deal them right?

Also if you happen to be single, way more likely to meet someone romantically significant whilst out & about or networking on the scene. But not so much a fluffy flirtation-more shared values in the world that turn each other on, and if you do hook up more likely to be serious commitment hmmm?

Then the Full Moon of the 17th in your love sector, is perfect to get some sweet attention, if you are lucky enough to have someone special in your life? Maybe your partner is that much more attentive, or a lover/new attraction is ready to reveal more feelings?

Also with Pluto in your biz sector squaring this Moon, could be worth paying attention to any underlying power dynamics in professional relationships-that you could work quite advantageously if you keep your wits about you.

Image: Tian Yi by Jem Mitchell for Vogue China


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