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With Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter lurking in your soul sector for ages recently, you’ve been doing the work to look within, face & rise above your demons by communing with your higher muse & generally get your own personal/spiritual act together; as opposed to so much external action in the world. Which ok was a bitch, but also quite fitting during the weirdness of 2020 of course, with the whole lockdown thing cramping our style.

So you’ve totally earned the brilliant, dynamic energy of Jupiter & Saturn currently charging into your sign, in a powerful conjunction all month & exact in the first week of Jan -just in time for some actual, game-changing New Years Resolutions!

Yes 2021 is all about you stepping back into the world, all shiny with fresh resolve, brilliant confidence & clear intentions you can fully back up with all that character building self-awareness you’ve been cultivating lately. Expect to be respected, acknowledged & invited into fabulously promising opportunities moving forward, to the extent you are owning your spunky new self-assurance & lust for life…

Which the New Moon of the 13th in your soul sector confirms. It’s bang on Pluto to unleash a primal life force from deep within you, to drive your forward momentum in alignment with your core, meaningful principles. Especially with Saturn in your sign in exact square to Mars conjunct your ruler Uranus in your 4th house of home & personal life.

What this means is any grand, exuberant life plans you are hatching (& yes they are so cool) have to not only stay true to your spiritual calling; but also serve your domestic, family & personal relationship scenarios.

Because I tell you what, Mars/Uranus conjunct all month is pretty fiery & temperamental on the home front! I mean it’s great to flush out any weird family/co hab dynamics that no longer serve you, to get on with relating more honestly/authentically to keep it real. Yes including re-igniting the passion with your partner/shacking up with someone special -could be so sexy right now! Especially to the extent you can handle the volatile fireworks/passions being unleashed here –trigger warning for sudden tantrums & arguments coming up, which you ideally work through for more genuine connection, rather than feeding any conflict right??

Also if you happen to be looking at any big real estate decisions, revamping your home or even a relocation-could be timely to consider?

Then the Full Moon of the 29th brings any relationship issues you’ve been dealing with into beautiful focus. It’s in your love sector & exact aspect to lucky Jupiter; so you bring a warm, honest, generous romantic confidence to your lover/partner/someone special & they are so much more likely to appreciate it-nice one x

New Years Resolution: It is my personal integrity that carries me through & opens new doors in my life, because I’ve done the work & walk my talk with full authenticity no matter what. So I’m ready to embrace all the success & love coming my way this year –I’ve fully earned it don’t you know!


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