Venus in Leo from Sept 7th-Oct 3rd this year. I was was doing detailed love/relating/creativity/money posts for Venus in each sign for a while there; but don't have time right now, and frankly in a bimbonic mood due to dystopia fatigue etc, so I thought I would do trashy dating posts instead lol.
So if Leo Venus had a dating profile?
Hot, imperious Queen temporarily without a worthy mate. Into living large, flamboyant self expression, being naturally brilliant at everything I do & the odd dramatic scene to keep life interesting. Frankly bored as fuq of lockdown, due to lack of attention so looking to have a fabulous time at home with someone deserving of my affections. Seeking someone just as hot blooded to share incandescent high passion and mutual admiration . Must be my match, but not too proud to worship/submit to my goddess gorgeousness as required. May decide to reciprocate with generous, enduring loyalty if you know how to mate for life.
Happy Venus in Leo folks x