The Full Moon of September 2nd is you annual mating moon in your love sector- and Ceres has her nurturing vibes all over this one, so it’s all about beautifully caring, sensitive relating. Time to be gentle with one another.
But also Venus is strong for this Moon –square Mars/Lilith in your intimacy sector for hot chemistry & sexual tension with spunky, take no crap attitude. And opposite Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter in your romance sector, for a powerful combo of hot passion and the exquisitely on-point commitment/relating skills you do so well. As usual you know what you want & quite specific about it (lol), and to be honest only someone who gets you as a true equal will be up to the task. So yes you’re keeping it real, but also keeping it sweet with as much mutual understanding as possible huh?
Then Venus/Mars hooking up in a trine of more easy compatibility by the 29th suggests you are on the right track with any connections/dating magic you are cultivating right now. So yeah, you’re quite the love machine this month if that’s your thing?
Meanwhile, Mars/Lilith also have you sharp & well able to hold your own re biz/financial negotiations. Especially the Destiny Point in your career sector & your clever ruler Mercury in your income sector; any brilliant vocational aspirations calling your name can be monetised more effectively than usual. Maybe even leverage the flux of these weird economic times advantageously, with your best savvy, flexible genius!
Especially with the Virgo New Moon of the 17th you are so onto it. In exact trine with Saturn in your talent sector, you know what you’re good at & prepared to be pragmatic about your creative skills with a decent work ethic-just as lucky Jupiter turns direct and ups your self-belief for a fab rush of robust, exuberant confidence to get your game on. I mean extra-specially syncing the Destiny Point in your biz sector it’s time to shine in the world -if not now, when??