How are we going with this Cancer New Moon, exact 3,32am July 21st, AEST? I mean New Moons are always a fresh perspective, and in the most lunar, emo sign of Cancer we tend to be more raw & authentic about whatever feelings are coming up -they're real!
Especially with this Moon exactly opposite Saturn, the vibe has a certain emotional gravitas. We are not so much indulging temperamental, impetuous or whimsical moods; we are finding the fortitude to hold space for our deeper instincts to reveal themselves & the discipline to act accordingly...
I mean the Saturnian energy we're dealing with can feel kind of heavy, as we are more aware than ever of any relational obligations we can't avoid & also the imperative to look in the mirror & deal with our own issues like grown-ups right now. So as much as this reality check is kind of hard work, it is of course a fab opportunity to take responsibility for our own personal growth & emotional wellbeing, and nurture one another with a genuine, caring attitude, as much as we possibly can.
I mean ok, with Saturn retrograde it can feel a bit like going over tedious old dilemmas, and tempting to become impatient that certain scenarios are still not entirely resolved? And of course this is a reminder that patience is a virtue here, and a sign of the very maturity this Moon is trying to teach us. Also because this is the second Cancer New Moon in a row, the specific feelings we are dealing with have extra resonance as they have been brewing all month! As in our current scenarios are picking up on whatever was going on with the Solar Eclipse of late June... and a sweet chance to bring a lovely, fresh, emotionally intelligent approach to sort out & heal whatever went down back then-nice one.
So happy New Moon, lets embrace the feels to keep it honest, inspired & functional huh?