So your ruler Mercury retrograde until mid July could be a bit tricky for your social vibe. As in questioning where you stand with your wider tribe/how to be in the world or weird misunderstandings with close friends, which could be disconcerting for the first half of the month?
But then again the Lunar Eclipse of the 5th in your talent/fun self expression sector is just so fabulous, so you could give a fuq what anyone thinks –you are too busy doing your own thing, showing off your natural brilliance & good times with the crew who are happy to take you as you are right?
I mean as the most perfectionist sign you tend to focus your acutely critical eye on your own apparent faults, more than you do nit-picking anyone else; so its really any internalised self-judgement you are dealing with here. Because Saturn backing into your talent sector could be regressive neurosis, worrying about perceived past failures in scenarios you can no longer control-not so useful, obviously. Much better to harness Saturn discipline to polish your skills moving forward, toward better things…
Because with Pluto/Jupiter involved you are in full, positive transformation mode. You get to dig deep into your core capacity for excellence; not so much to prove yourself but just enjoy the life-affirming buzz of being good at what you do with vibrant, dynamic, unapologetically playful self-expression to shine in the world.
Omg especially with Venus direct after ages dithering in your biz sector, you could be onto some spectacular progress in your most inspired career plans -looking gorgeous, finessing your brand, working your professional charm etc is more effective than ever right now!
Meanwhile Mars/Chiron in your 8th house/intimacy sector, dreamy Neptune in your partnership sector & Pluto/Jupiter energising your romance sector is pretty big juju for the Virgo love life:
Mars is super libidinous in your 8th house & wants to get it on for sexy thrills, but also Chiron says you need a deeper, vulnerable emotional connection for the kind of passion you’re looking for. And Neptune is a bit precious about your romantic idealism, which is nice to keep it high end but also thank goodness for Pluto/Jupiter to get down & dirty with the real issues going on; the better to do authentic loving with the confidence to grow beyond the status quo & embrace a dynamic, evolving connection. So whether already entangled or chasing some fascinating new attraction, it’s all about the courage to keep it real -know what I mean?
Then the 21st is the second New Moon in a row in your social sector, and with Mercury finally direct you are getting the hang of where you now fit in with your chosen scene. It’s so nice to feel comfortable in your skin, on your own terms as you move through your community huh?
Image: Klara Johanna Michel