So we're coming off a New Moon in Gemini, exact 3.38am May 23rd AEST to fire up the synapses-are we feeling the fresh insights yet?
Because New Moons are always a fresh emotional perspective, and in Gemini its an opportunity to observe & understand our moods through the prism of our conscious mind. As in we pay attention to the quality if our thoughts/belief systems and communication skills right now, and just how much they are manifesting certain situations that may be triggering us emotionally. I mean we get that it takes exactly the same amount of energy to dwell on naff old issues/crappy resentments or stuck in the circular logic of the same old, going-nowhere conversations as it does to open our minds to new possibilities right?
I only point this out as Saturn is exactly trine this Moon for a crisp, clear reality check. On the one hand Saturn can bog us down with misery guts attachments to our most limiting scenarios because the illusion of security whatever, but on the other hand Saturn can be the pragmatic emotional intelligence to do the work to find a better way. Especially with a brilliant Venus/Mercury conjunction in Gemini right now we are all about thinking effectively positive thoughts just because we can; and harness our most deliciously charming, sparkly vibes in our relationships & personal dialogues to reach a new level of relational flexibility & mutual understanding...
Especially with the healer Chiron in Aries involved we are not afraid to take full responsibility for our choices, and power forward accordingly -oh my there could be a few brilliant light bulb moments coming up here, lets embrace them!
Happy Gemini New Moon folks, lets stay sharp, emotionally astute & woke as we can to keep it real x