So you’ve been working with the mixed blessing of Saturn/Pluto in your income sector in recent months-as in earning coin has been a tough assed bitch of a gig, requiring more gritty discipline than ever dammit. But gosh you can reflect on just how lean, mean & resourceful you have become, which sets you ahead of the curve & ready for the shit-storm that is our current economic situation. You are resilient, adaptable & determined to thrive no matter what-you’re nailing it baby…
So how perfect is Saturn out of the way, replaced by Jupiter/Pluto for the next 6 months, this is honestly so brilliantly lucrative & empowering for your financial confidence! You might just be the sign most likely to actually improve your earning potential this year, to inspire the rest of us to stay positive & onto it as well –excellent.
Meanwhile the Full Moon of the 7th is in your soul sector; to align with whatever inner source of shamanic, spiritual, meditation, creative inspo fills your cup emotionally. The better to bring this self-awareness to the game-changing choices you are making, what with maverick Uranus shaking up your day job/lifestyle sector right now. As in you have weird new opportunities to succeed in the world, so best keep it connected to the values & goals that really matter to you right?
Also we really need to talk about love goddess Venus in an extensive tour of your love/partnership sector until August! This is a rare treat -4 months of extra special romantic attention & adoration from your lover to keep the passion alive, which is especially handy if you happen to be quarantined with them lol. Especially with a sexy trine from Mars to Venus till mid month, then Mars into your home sector for intimate shacking up action, or staging hot dates on home turf.
So you don’t mind Venus retro from mid-month, for an opportunity to go back & finesse points of compatibility or unfinished love dialogues; especially with Mercury involved to sweet talk, charm & verbally seduce one another anew. Or you know, if single flirt it up with some cute new contender?