Money on the brain much? I mean Saturn/Pluto in your income sector have had you stressing about financial realities for a while now; and as much as you’ve been valiantly pulling together your best fiscal discipline & entrepreneurial genius (well done you btw) –recent developments have triggered any survivalist, poverty fears coming up with Saturn/Pluto exact in late March?
Yeah ok it’s been tough –you don’t like restrictive circumstances at the best of times, and on the one hand are the sign most likely to freak out when the going gets tough & you have to deal with tight budgeting etc to break your stride… aargh
But on the other hand lets talk about your lucky ruler, Jupiter nudging fear-mongering Saturn out of the way for a spectacular, empowering, potentially so lucrative hook-up with Pluto from April 1st. This is where you grab your full tilt confidence & remember that you have always been the creatrix of your own financial destiny –you’ve hustled & thrived with free-range, independent moxy so far & will continue to do so. You are actually the sign most likely to handle income uncertainty because you’ve never really gone for security anyway, & the stars say Destiny may have some fab opportunities to thrive more than ever in times of change.
Omg especially with adaptable, game-changing Uranus sparking up the New Moon in your work/day job/lifestyle sector by April 23rd. Unexpected opportunities-that you may previously have dismissed as being too damn weird-suddenly present themselves & you’re smart enough to jump on board with alacrity. Especially in sync with the Destiny Point in your biz/money sector, new paradigm ways to earn a living & live fully on your own damn terms are calling your name –might as well embrace it whilst you can!
Meanwhile this New Moon also has gorgeous Venus/Mars romantic action between your love & communication sectors. If you’re in love it’s time to speak up to deepen the connection with honest, authentic, sexy emotional intimacy. Or if single/on the prowl you’re more flirty &enchanting than ever…
Image: from original by Neil Krug