So Happy New Year folks, the new decade is upon us & it looks like a wild ride, ready or not:
The signature astro of this new chapter is Pluto/Saturn digging up the foundations beneath us -unearthing all kinds of skanky shizz we're ready to detox & be rid of. Which ok is pretty confronting, but what a relief to purge and move on with fierce, transformative, rigorous determination to thrive...
Also Uranus in Taurus says good luck with any defunct structures or security issues we've been hanging onto thus far -lol they;re falling apart as we speak, aint gonna happen. Which is so liberating, to think outside the square & necessarily embrace radical new ways of doing things.
Because the raw, primal, regenerative, energy being released right now is brilliant fuel to create whatever fresh, real, gutsy, brilliant new intentions for 2020 turn us on -because god knows we're ready to follow through, do the work & manifest the fuq out of our deepest desires right now. Especially with positive Jupiter joining Saturn/Pluto in Capricorn it's such spunky, courageous lust for life driving us forward -lets do this thing!
Happy New Year, and more detail for your sign in your January horoscope here.