So you’re loving Mars in Scorpio this month, for the fierce, libidinous lust for life you do so well. You’ve got that sexy, charismatic swagger going on and feeling pretty unstoppable –so you’re hungry to get your teeth into something worth getting passionate about right? Hmmm but what could it be…
Well I’m thinking the Full Moon of the 12th reveals all sorts of deep, complex interpersonal dynamics to turn you on. I mean with the power trippy, volcanic Saturn/Pluto astro in your communication sector & sparky Uranus shaking up your relationship sector; it’s a tricky, volatile mating season that would do most other signs heads in. But with confident Jupiter turning up from Dec 3rd you’re like ‘bitch I’ve got this-I’m a fuqing Scorpio & I know what I want, how to own my own desires & if you’re a match for me let’s go’ –ok then!
Especially with a Venus/Mars attraction being pulled together by the Scorpio Sun in your self empowered 2nd house mid month; the more you hold your own with a grounded emotional integrity & healthy boundaries here, the more clearly you can embrace the full positive, passionate potential of this Full Moon. So whether flirting/dating/mating: you’re doing it with the clear intent & smoking intensity you’re so famous for, and ready to follow through come what may -you adore the sheer, raw authenticity of this of course.
Also this Full Moon has your innate financial/earning instincts more on point than ever -especially if there are certain biz dialogues/details you need to finesse right now. Because to the extent there may be tricky power trips going on or contracts/legal agreements/practical admin you need to figure out, you are so sharp & onto it. Extra especially by the Solar Eclipse of the 26th you have a shot at some game changing, fresh new strategies that feel so right…
Meanwhile Mars in your sign also fires up your physical vitality, which is handy with the healer Chiron in your health sector. You’ve got so much energy to burn right now, so perfect to get your fitness/workout on. Moving your body with your best, life affirming yoga/gym/jogging/hiking/surfing etc is the best medicine for whatever ails you right now. Yes it’s all about the clean, mean, active daily routine to keep you healthy, wealthy & wise this month –go you.
Image: Paolo Roversi