Exuberant Jupiter in your social sector from Dec 3rd is a call to get out & about amongst it, mingle & expand your reach in the world. It’s less comfy down time on the couch & more connecting with your wider human family. Because the coming year is a more sparkling Pisces social life –and no better time to practise have some good old life-affirming fun with your tribe than December party/festive season huh?
Also you may be coming into a bit of a woke, open minded awareness of the broader social/political/community issues going on around you-and increasingly looking to become a bit more involved & active in the world, to do your bit for the accelerated collective evolution we’re going through in these crazy times? And happily, Jupiter calls in the right crew/like minded people to bounce off, share the courage of your convictions & feel involved in some kind of group zeitgeist you can believe in.
Also biz-if you’re looking to expand your professional network with a bit of effective schmoozing/self promotion etc, Venus triggering the Destiny Point in your talent sector in early Dec is perfect for getting out there & shining your light in the world. Especially with the Sun in your biz sector pulling the connection chemistry between Venus & Mars together –savvy, on point professional relationships are key to the Pisces career plan right now don’t you know? Also because Mercury involved from the 10th is fab for finessing any vocational negotiations & get the details right-so it pays to stay sharp!
And personal relationships. The Full Moon of the 12th reveals the family/partnership dynamics on home turf, and you’re pleased to find that it’s actually pretty sweet with your nearest & dearest right now. So it’s easier than ever to enlist that subtle emotional intelligence of yours to work through any relationship tensions (they’re probably minor) & create a happy home for your heart. Also a harmonious domestic base is just what you need to support all that forward momentum in the world you’re looking forward to –nice one.
Because the New Moon Eclipse of the 26th picks up on Jupiter thrills in your social sector big time. You may be swept up in some group momentum that precisely mirrors whatever values & aspirations you hold most dear; which is so good to fill your cup with a sense of meaningful purpose in the world.
Image: Jerry Hall by Barry Lategan for Vogue Paris 1973