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The New Moon of the 3rd reveals whatever career momentum/vocational inspo best turns you on right now; so that’s motivating to get your groove on in the world. Then the Full Moon of the 17th reveals any emotional dynamics at home, to cultivate whatever domestic scenario is going to best support your optimum wellbeing & success…

So as you work toward the lifestyle you truly enjoy, the better to have a personal life that fills your cup and energises you to go forth and thrive professionally; you’re so well placed to score the perfect, healthy work/life synergy that you do so well. You love the clean, mean clarity of purpose that comes with this!

But also it’s all connecting with slippery, magical Neptune in your love/partnership sector. Your relationship vibe could be anything from sublime soulmate bliss to nutso entanglements to do your head in; and your ability to draw clear boundaries around this is key. The more you can keep your relating skills clear & high end this month, the more you cut the crap on any sketchy behaviour & enjoy the potentially beautiful, meaningful connections going on in your life instead.

Also for the peace of mind to actually concentrate on the fab work/life prospects as described above; and specifically work any professional relationships/negotiations etc to full advantage huh?

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