The New Moon of the 3rd calls you to your favourite activity –clear intentions on the day job with the genuine, realistic discipline to follow through:
Even more than usual you’re so not frittering your professional energy on dead-end jobs/schemes etc; you’re making any work you do count, and only serve your goals as efficiently as possible. Including fresh motivation to clean up your daily heath habits, the better to be the clean, mean success machine you just know you can be right now. Omg you love this!
Especially with Venus inspiring your core talent, to finesse the creative process and nail being better than ever at what you do in early June. Then from the 9th you get to leverage this professional confidence in whatever gig is most likely to actually take you places.
Extra especially with your ruling planet Saturn inching toward powerhouse Pluto in your sign for the next several months; you’ve got some potent success/personal transformation brewing so no time to take your eye off the wheel.
Savvy, pragmatic use of your personal brilliance is always your best look, and more likely than ever to reward your efforts with a fab new version of being you as you head towards 2020 it’s your time to thrive baby, so don’t give up now!
Meanwhile, sexy Mars on the Destiny Point in your partnership sector mid month triggers your most intelligent romantic instincts. Any new attractions turning you on, or getting your head around future-oriented developments in your current relationship are likely to be so on point. Yes, the universe is dropping some pertinent clues about your future love life here… best pay attention huh?