Well wouldn’t you know it, just as Jupiter in Sag has you flying high scheming, dreaming & chasing up your wildest, most expansive life plans… and craving the unencumbered freedom to launch yourself into the great unknown at any given moment?
Here comes the New Moon of the 7th to dissolve any certainties around your home base big time, and maybe pushing you out of your domestic/familial/emotional comfort zone, ready or not. The better to be available for visionary new possibilities of course …um be careful what you wish for right now, it might just be coming at you fast!
So yeah, with mystical Neptune dominating here the rewards of navigating this highly fluxy/tricky time (thank you Mercury retro) with clear, inspired intentions could be so divine; in terms of blissful freedom from the status quo –and maybe magically manifesting your dream home base along the way! Which sure beats succumbing to delusional thinking/chaos theory just because some of this is out of your control & you think you are destiny’s disempowered bitch? Yeah sure you have to surrender to the flow a bit here (it’s got your number), but don’t forget you called this one in and fully capable of selecting optimum choices at any given point right? Right???
And gah, as if that wasn’t enough. You also have Uranus charging in to shake up your work/day job sector for the next several years! This is the most liberating approach to doing something radically new (or what you already do in a radical new way etc); for the thrill of new opportunities and the more flexible lifestyle that you are craving right now. Yes, it feels like trading in any so-called security you’ve been accustomed to for a chance at living large according to your true nature; and baby I’ve got to tell you that you’re the sign most likely to pull this off with fearless confidence (especially with Mars revving up your ferocious work ethic right now) -go you!
And right on cue, with Saturn/Pluto in your income sector your biz/money savvy is uncharacteristically brilliant!!! Pragmatic hustling of coin & the disciplined budget to fund a prosperous new chapter in your life? Absolutely honey, its time.
And love? Someone special may be willing to bust a move on challenging/evolving their own life plans, in order to be on the same page as you… I mean it’s going to require a bit of compromise from both of you, but baby this is more romantic than it sounds! To the extent you’re both making the effort, this could be the real deal?
Image: Esther Haase