So March is exciting, game changing & woke as fuq -but are we ready for this or what?
We have Mars in Taurus to renew our kinaesthetic, lively, delicious connection with our physical vitality/dynamic health & wellbeing and fabulous, raw sexuality; for a good time and positive, life affirming attitude to everything! This is great for our healthy relationship with ourselves/our bodies, and our relationship with our loved ones -especially our gorgeous lovers. And our material/financial scenarios could benefit from a healthy ambition, to rev up our prosperity and abundance potential for sure. And also, so importantly-our healthy relationship wth this beautiful earth that we call our home. Eco awareness, hanging out in nature, tree hugging etc is so good for our souls right now... it's never too late to be fierce little environment warriors for our precious planet, huh?
And also because Mars is only a prelude to the wake up call that is Uranus finally into Taurus from the 7th -after months of teasing- to fully rock any material/physical/financial/structural foundations in our lives for the next several years! Omg this is a big one folks.... especially with a Saturn/Pluto conjunction building for the next few months to transform our most foundational assumptions about our lives.
So called security? Ha ha forget it! It's more about an innovative, crafty, change friendly attitude to any crumbling structures around us; and of course the nifty, fresh, brilliantly future oriented, new paradigm new plans and exciting experiences that this frees us up to enjoy huh?
We have a Neptunian New Moon on the 7th, to keep our inspired, magical manifestation skills sharp.
We have the Libra Full Moon of the 21st; and to the extent Libra loves relationships the Venus/Mars square on this one is a bit of thrilling, challenging romantic tension for late March mating season... The force could be with us here if we're on the prowl, or looking to rekindle the spark/address any issues with our lover?
Yep, it's all happening this month; lets embrace the new momentum with an eye to thriving huh?
Image: the incredible, brilliant Alexandra Valenti