Yes 2019 is a bold new chapter in our lives, and February is here to pick up the pace & keep us moving right along..
We have Venus in Capricorn meeting Saturn mid month, for the most genius, pragmatic take on manifesting our true desires. And the sooner we ditch any limiting, stale old attachments that have been getting us nowhere lately, the sooner we can do the work to embrace the very cool, realistically exciting goals and opportunities that are soon ready to rock our world. It's not so much handed to us on a plate..it requires our best, intentional discipline but so worth it to live how we want to...
Because Mars dragging Uranus into Taurus from late Feb/early March onwards (for several years ahead) is such brave, wildly liberating/spooky synchronicity to manifesting our desires in the world that it almost feels like magic... fiercely effective, divinely inspired, game-changing determination to chase up our bliss anyone? Yes, yes, yes! Because it's our new normal, don't you know & anything less is frankly just boring us to tears anyway, right?
And the horoscopes are up, with more detail for your sign here.
Happy Feb folks, lets live a little x