So to the extent Uranus has just spent several years shaking up your creative/talent sector? It’s helped you to play with, and explore the full range of your personal potential –and even if it’s been a bit of a roller coaster exploring different options, you now have a clearer handle on what you’re really, truly good at, what actually turns you on in terms of expressing your true self in the world -and what you want to do about that?
Yes, and especially with Jupiter, your lucky ruling planet in Sag this year you totally, absolutely have the brilliant moxy to back yourself on whatever you want to do & who you want to be in the world, with the most brilliant confidence. Your natural charisma is magnificent. Your instincts about, well, everything are so on point. You’re not scared of a bit of shameless self-promotion & sheer determination to make stuff happen in the world. In short, you’re one hot little success machine right now, baby!
And it’s all about the Mars/Uranus action of mid Feb for a particularly brazen new perspective on the next, best opportunity to move forward and thrive in your life. Especially with Mars into your day-job sector and a brilliant Full Moon on the 20th in your biz sector; to fire up the work ethic to pull together your current gig/biz/next job opportunity whatever with clear intentions for long term success & prosperity.
Because it’s all just preparing you for the massive, game changing new way of doing things that is Uranus turning up from March onwards –for several years ahead of wildly, radically liberating new work/professional/lifestyle scenarios to help you live large on your own, independent, free-range terms. You love this, of course; so ready to embrace any challenges to bust out of your comfort zone and courageously chase up your most scary, exciting dreams in this new chapter of your life right? Right???
Meanwhile, Venus/Saturn mid month is a crucial bit of necessary budgetary discipline –which ok, is so not your strong point lol. But honestly, a little bit of financial savvy is not only character building but also goes a long way to funding your most important schemes right now -look sharp for best results!
And love? Look, they’re either coming at you with integrity/serious intentions & you’re just as keen (which could be amazing!) or you can’t be bothered to be honest
Image; via stardust & wanderlust-unable to find original source for this lovely photograph