Well you’re so beyond thrilled to have your lucky ruling planet, Jupiter in your sign this year; and permission to live large with good old fashioned Sag bravado, freedom of movement and spunky charisma –it’s gonna rock your gypsy soul!
Especially as you’re still kind of recovering from Saturn trolling you in recent years with the most gruelling personal discipline/relentless obstacles to every goddamn move you made -aargh. I mean of course it was productive and you are so much leaner/meaner/more resilient now but still, what a drag that was huh? So yay to Jupiter in the house, and life being exciting and full of expansive possibilities again -omg finally.
Which makes Mars firing up your play/creative sector from Jan 1st and Venus sparking up your gorgeous charisma from the 7th even more auspicious for a fabulous year ahead:
This awakens your brilliant talent, and the sheer confidence to pull it off in the world successfully. Yes shameless self-promotion is your new thing; I mean you’ve worked so hard recently to be genuinely good at what you do, might as well show it off a little huh? Especially with the New Moon partial Eclipse of the 6th inspiring brilliant instincts about how to monetise your genius; to score the Sag holy grail that is the financial freedom to simply live on your own terms, unencumbered by boring budgetary limitations. Yes, autonomous income and the personal freedom that brings is so close you can almost taste it…don’t give up now!
And also fires up your lust for life and just having fun for the thrill of being alive. I mean why not let your hair down and remember how to truly, fully enjoy life for a change?
…And did I mention that Venus has your magnetic romantic desirability peaking this month? You’re smoking hot and you know it and so does everyone else; so if there’s someone special you’re loving up/luring in or just on the prowl generally -ooh la la all manner of delicious seduction/love scenarios are possible right now…
Then Venus/Jupiter conjunct in your sign is such a spectacular, positive attitude on your part to the Full Moon total Eclipse of the 21st in your adventure sector. Honestly, if you were ever going to pursue your most audacious, visionary (even international travel) plans in the world late Jan would be the time…if not now, when?
Image: Hannah Lemholt photography