It’s all about your ruling planet, lucky Jupiter in Sag firing up your fabulousness from Nov 9th –for a whole year ahead of hitting your stride, living large and embracing success with magnificent self-assurance… OMG finally!
Because it feels like the pressure of Saturn in your sign in recent years was so challenging –and then switching to your income/security sector this year was kind of a relief but also upped the ante on the stressful challenge to get your financial shizz together, dammit. And Jupiter in your soul sector all year hasn’t been so much an escape from all that; as a constant reminder to focus on the inner, spiritual work/personal growth etc to deal with it graciously as opposed to any immediate gratification in the world. Which you’ve nailed beautifully of course but aaargh, trying valiantly to keep it together against all odds -internal pressure building up much?
So what a relief to have the New Moon of the 8th in your soul sector, for fresh inspiration AND introducing Jupiter into your sign for big, visionary, unrestricted, rut-busting, freedom loving Sag brilliance until Dec 2019! Especially with Pluto in your income sector involved-maybe this is your moment to transform your earning paradigm to the more lucrative settings you’ve been working SO hard toward lately. Yep, it’s your season to thrive honey and I don’t have to tell you how much you’ve earned this one, huh?
And we also have Jupiter energising the Destiny Point in your intimacy sector; challenging you to dig a bit deeper emotionally for a bigger, more courageous passion in your love life. Because the Venus/Mars trine of Nov 10th is such a superb opportunity to explore the full potential of your relationship/bond with your lover/flirty repartee with your crush- if you have the courage to communicate your feelings for real! You have Mercury in Sag on this one; so your native romantic candour and generosity of spirit goes a long way to firing up any promising, sexy chemistry in your life this month, know what I mean?
Especially the by the Full Moon of the 23rd in your love sector; your gorgeous warmth and big heart is so much more likely to be appreciated-and maybe even fully reciprocated- by someone special, how lovely is that?
Image: Tara Moss by Gavin O Neil