Your foxy moxy really picks up from Sept 6th, with your ruler Mercury into Virgo and Saturn direct in your self expression sector, to get around with that sparkly and supremely self assured charisma that you do so well for the rest of the month-this is your thing!
Certainly if you need to communicate more effectively in love/career/the world whatever right now, Mercury is bound to energise and clarify any dialogues in your life, which is handy. And specifically with the Mars/Venus love action going on, your exquisite flirtation skills are more on point than ever. Maybe your current relationship benefits from turning each other on with sexy intellectual rapport, or a thrilling meeting of minds with someone new; and either way you’re also reeling them in with your hypnotic, fascinating come-ons for a good time. How delightful…
Especially with the annual New Moon in your sign on Sept 10th ushering Venus into your ideas/communication sector until January! This is such a powerful, extended transit to reveal your full capacity for intoxicating charm, intelligent dialogue and creative thinking about whatever is important to you right now. And extra especially with expansive, positive Jupiter involved, you are such a powerhouse of cerebral inspiration for the rest of 2018 don’t you know?
Meanwhile, Mars into your work sector from the 11th is all about flaunting your brilliance on the day-job; the better to energise your best vocational schemes for the next few months- nothing like a bit of honest hard work and brazen self promotion to get ahead, right?
And then the healing rays of Chiron all over the Full Moon of the 25th is a nice opportunity to explore the deeper, more subtle interpersonal dynamics going on. Maybe you’re talking money in biz or family scenarios, and ensuring it feels equitable and fair? Or maybe you’re finessing the emotional subtleties/sharing personal vulnerabilities in some sexy love affair in your life, to connect more authentically? Because yes, you are actually a bit of a love machine by late September, if you take the time to keep it real x
Image: Gemma Ward by Steven Meisel for Vogue Italia