So Venus joins your ruling planet, Jupiter in your soul sector from Sept 10th, and as she’s planning to stick around this most mysterious area of your chart till January we might as well talk about it:
This is where you are a spooky little mystic -totally switched on, intuitive as hell & all about aligning your life choices with a higher sense of purpose. You thrive wherever you commune with your muse for creative inspo, commit to your yoga/meditation/spiritual/personal growth practice and look within for the wisdom to guide your way and divine connection to fill your cup. You are such a magical, visionary seeker (more than most people know); with those gypsy hymns, powerful shamanic instincts & inimitable spunk of yours –and this shines through more than ever for the rest of the year. How lovely!
Meanwhile the New Moon of the 10th brings fab new clarity to any career decisions going on for you. Mercury here is brilliant for finessing the details/any biz negotiations with the kind of exactitude that (let’s face it) usually escapes your flighty, impatient attention, which is handy. But especially because it syncs with Jupiter, so it’s all that crystal clear intuition described above that drives you forward with your most, brazen, expansive vocational plans that you just know you can pull off-if you only keep believing in your dreams. Yes, it’s so advantageous to think big with sheer, positive ambition whilst also pragmatic about how to best work the professional opportunities of mid Sept-they could be that game changing and worth it!
Then the Full Moon of the 25th is so good for coming to terms with your brilliant talent, and any shameless self promotion required to keep on rocking it in the world. And also nice for reaching out with some sweet, flirty connection with whoever you are crushing on right now, or making time for playful romance with your lover-because it matters! And speaking of love, Venus in your soul sector is all about soul mating. For the rest of the year it’s kind of meaningful, deeper connection for you-someone who just gets you with that flash of recognition every time you lock eyes-because anything less is frankly boring, right?
Image: unable to find original source for this pic.