Image: Neil Krug
Partial Eclipse New Moon in Leo coming up (8.57pm Aug 11th AEST), to finish off Eclipse Season with a fiery flourish!
The sheer, fresh, positive, life affirming joy of this is bound to lift us out of any doldrums we've been feeling with so many retrograde planets lately. People are talking about the Lionsgate portal into higher consciousness this week and yes; this Eclipse places us firmly in our Leo heart centres-plugged into our own warmth, magnanimous generosity of spirit, passionate & genuinely caring connections with one another and magnificent personal self-expression of our true natures. it's a brilliant chance to shine and treat each other deliciously well for sure.
Also with a square to lucky Jupiter we feel the tension a bit more acutely between where we are now and where we want to be, but also how incredibly close we are to where we want to be; and the brazen confidence to take that simple leap of faith to chase our dreams, claim our authentic life or even just strut around feeling truly comfortable in our own skin (all the same thing, really). And Neptune and Saturn also involved help us to follow our higher sense of purpose by doing any necessary hard work to ground our most visionary inspo in the real world. Keeping it real by walking our talk with integrity, in other words.
Happy Leo Eclipse -let's open our beautiful hearts and embrace it x