So with your ruling planet Mars spending 6 months in your networking sector this year, you’re probably vibing super extrovert and focused upon the collective situation around you. Whether it’s hanging with your immediate social scene/circle of friends or tuning into the wider cultural/political zeitgeist, you are more energised by the group dynamic than ever. So Mars retrograde till late August could have you second-guessing your place in the tribe, re-evaluating certain alliances or even the collective belief systems you choose to subscribe to.
Which doesn’t have to cramp your style of course; it’s just a chance to align yourself with the group scenario that really allows you to participate in the most legit way possible. Especially by the Total Lunar Eclipse of the 28th, you could be connecting with the crew that truly gets and supports you; the better to go forth and shine with full, validated self-expression in the world. So good.
Meanwhile, the partial Solar Eclipse of the 13th pulls your attention way back to the Aries personal life mid month. It’s in your domestic sector, where your instincts are all about cultivating the most grounding, supportive home environment & family dynamics to carry you forward. And what a perfect intention to help you thrive, with optimal emotional wellbeing for the rest of the year…
Also this Eclipse syncs with lucky Jupiter moving direct in your sex/intimacy sector-so getting your personal life on track could well involve deeper connection with a special lover/partner in your life. Or if single, maybe the cheeky moxy to reach out to someone promising who takes your fancy? Yes, that famous, ardent romantic confidence of yours could be a bit of a game changer mid month if you’re looking for next level, passionate satisfaction. Go, you little love machine -it’s looking good!
And-even if you’re not into love or whatever-this is also great for positive financial/biz negotiations; especially with Venus in your day job sector & Uranus sparking up your income sector maximising the commercial viability of your brilliant creative talent, career wise. Yes, you are also a powerful little earner if you grab the opportunities of mid month –go you!
Image: Anais Pouliot by Sylvie Malfray for All Magazine, Spring, 2011.