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Taurus New Moon coming up, exact 9.48pm AEST May 15th -and it's a total game changer to rock our world!

So New Moons are always a fresh new emotional perspective. And even though Taurus energy is usually quite fixed in it's habits and desires-and usually only embraces change at a comfortably glacial pace; what we have here is a bunch of rocking astro influences that unexpectedly blow everything we thought we knew right out of the water. And get ready, it could be moving fast:

We have Uranus into Taurus, to suddenly shake us completely out of our comfort zone. Our material lives/security and money issues/habitual patterns etc are ready to be wildly re-invented. And whatever crazy, liberating new possibilities begin presenting themselves this week have 7 whole years ahead to play out- this is a big new phase unfolding, so plenty of time to explore the full potential of this massive paradigm shift. More on the Uranus in Taurus era here.

And Mars commencing a rare, 6 month trip through Aquarius is freedom to embrace weird and wonderful new versions of self expression in the world until November. Mars is usually pretty primal in terms of instant gratification but Aquarius is more about detached, cool cat, inventive ways of getting ahead and getting satisfaction on a whole different level. More on Aquarius Mars here.

And this Moon is synced with Pluto -who loves a bit of deep, hard-core personal transformation to help us thrive with next level courage and authenticity. And ok Pluto is retro until October, so should we choose to wrestle with our demons the process of shedding our skin might take a while to resolve itself, but that's the nature of personal growth right? Eventually we rise up all sparkly and renewed, and so worth it.

And this Moon is also opposite lucky Jupiter-so we're fully optimistic and thrilled to be exploring our greater potential right now. And even if Jupiter retro is a bit frustrating, where we are restless for expansive new possibilities that aren't quite manifesting just yet? We have a fab level of confidence driving us forward -and the tangible rewards of keeping the faith with a beautiful, expansive trust reveal themselves when Jupiter moves forward from mid July...

So it's all happening right now. Tons of old scenarios, attachments and expectations may be falling away whether we like it or not, and just as many crazy promising new doors may be opening to turn us on. It's scary, thrilling & unpredictable. And as much as we absolutely can't control the process -we can embrace the rush of positive intentions, creative manifestation and courage in the face of the great unknown huh? Let's do it!

Happy Taurus, Phoenix Moon x

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