Image: Aline Webber by Richard Bush
I bet you’ve loved Uranus freeing up your creative spark, shaking down your core talent and revealing what you’re really good at over the last several years huh?
Yes, and the New Moon of May 15th in your work sector brings your best game to applying all this confidence and focused skill to some cool, tangible professional strategies. Because it’s all about Uranus smashing into your work sector-for seven whole years ahead of radically re-inventing what you think the day job even means:
I mean you are the ultimate sign to embrace a free-range, libertarian, highly flexible work ethic at the best of times, of course. You’re not scared of hard work-especially if it’s something exciting or meaningful that turns you on, but you abhor timetables, schedules and restrictive workplace regulations with a passion! The Sag rage (or just plain elusiveness) at being pinned down/told what to do can only be fully appreciated by any boss/client/manager etc that has ever tried to control freak you; to their immense frustration, lol.
So I can’t think of a sign more likely to adore rut-busting Uranus shaking it up and introducing the most flexible, autonomous, even self-employed opportunities to live and work on your own terms ever! Of course you will have to ditch any attachment to so-called job security or consistent income as such (at least for a while)- but the rewards are so great in terms of personal freedom and the cash potentially coming in big time when it does come –you’re totally ready to take the risk on backing your own vocational genius.
Which means you use pragmatic Saturn in your income sector to nail sharper budgeting skills than your (admit it) bimbonic financial decisions are usually known for, lol. You are about to manage any fluctuating cash flow with such skill; it could be a revelation to you just how biz-savvy you can be! This is so brilliant.
Meanwhile it’s Sag mating season! Romantic action incoming, with Venus in your love sector until May 20th and plenty of gorgeous contenders or your main squeeze loving you up beautifully-and you ideally respond with equal romantic generosity. Then Venus in your intimacy sector until mid June is a passionate, seductive, deeper connection –if you’re ready for some hot intensity with someone who really matters?